Something bothered to read the monotonous articles that constantly says that the shape of the eyebrows should be just like this, the length of the eyebrow - strictly measured on the line, and so on. No, I do not believe it. This is not a modern approach to makeup.
Modern fashion offers a choice of several types and forms of eyebrows. Choose! Depending on the taste and mood.
These eyebrows create a soft and feminine look. Make them very easy. You only need a good brush-comb for eyebrows. You can use the brush on mascara (wash it and comb for eyebrows is ready). If you have eyebrows grow quite thickly and evenly - then, according to the latest trends, adjust the eyebrows is not necessary. Only need to carefully comb. Try every hair put up and out. Then fix. For this purpose there is a special gel for lashes, but you can also use hair wax or hairspray (only take care of your eyes is scattered at!), You can splash paint on the brush and quickly until dry nail polish, put it on the eyebrow.
It eyebrows groomed and professionally arranged. If you are one of those who always goes with perfect manicure and handbag and shoes are always in perfect condition, then you will definitely want corrected eyebrows. It is these brows are on the schemes that have been replicated at each woman's website. However, in these schemes is almost nothing is said about the thickness of the eyebrows, and it is no less important for the harmonious way. Such eyebrows should be thick enough at the nose and go "out" at the end. If you own the vegetation is not enough, then you need to make the thickness of a pencil eyebrows. Take a pencil shade of your hair short and energetic strokes fill the space, simulating the natural hairs.
It is believed that the heavy eyebrows do look tough. However, I have a few arguments against. First, observe such eyebrow now - the most popular on the runways. And as the second argument to bring here this photograph of Audrey Hepburn. Look, this airy and feminine look, and his eyebrows? Pretty hard.
I mean, I again about stereotypes. Wrong to assume that the rule of "heavy brows - a hard look" always works. And if you go this way, to find out quite easily. Take a pencil, two shades darker than your natural hair color. And paint the eyebrows a little wider than they really are. Walk around the house so, look at yourself in the mirror several times. Did you like this style, and you will see that in your case, as Audrey, thick dark eyebrows do not spoil, and add charm.
Yes, it looks extremely, and is not suitable for every one of us. But we only live once, so you can try. If only for yourself. And, as is the case with thick eyebrows, I assure you that is not so clear. And some of us will discover a new style. I do not advise to change dramatically once and dyeing eyebrows hair dye. First experiment. Cover eyebrows creams (best to use a damp sponge). Step away from the mirror, look at the image as a whole. If you like what cheekbones became more noticeable and it fits your face, you can go to the salon professional eyebrow discolor paint.
And now a small
Master class how to make more well-groomed eyebrows and modern
. The basic mistake, in my opinion, we too plucking eyebrows. It's not quite in the trend. Here is my method.
For make-up eyebrows, we need raschesochka eyebrow (I'm doing it out of the brush from the carcass washed), beveled brush, and a small nail clippers.
Here is my eyebrow makeup before.
We comb the hair down. See how rough edge?
Take small scissors and trim the hairs that are out of the general line.
Now zacheshite eyebrows up.
And also we trim the upper limit of the eyebrows.
No hair should not stand out from the crowd, so individual hairs should pull out (if any).
Getting makeup.
The biggest challenge - to choose the right shade. Makeup artists say that it should be a tone or two lighter than the color of the hair of the eyebrows. Makeup eyebrows invented a lot of money, but I advise matte eyeshadow - they get maximum texture. And the best cold shade, then look will be more expressive.
I always begin with the lower boundary of the eyebrows. A brush as it draws the lower limit of the eyebrows.
And then - the upper limit is planned.
It is necessary to fill in the shadows of all space eyebrows to complete homogeneity.
All! Make ready! Eyebrows are not thin, but not massive. They look natural and well-groomed.
