When the service of permanent make-up is now available in salons, many found the idea quite limiting and useful. Still would! No need to stand every morning in the mirror, applying make-up; Do not be nervous that flowed pencil and lipstick "ate". Literally salvation for busy women! However, these advantages we clearly underestimated the risks and disadvantages of a tattoo on his face.
What you need to know about permanent make-up, before you decide on this procedure? Here are a few things to help you look at the permanent make-up is more realistic.
1. It is not 100% permanent!
Unlike traditional tattoo on the body that will stay with you until the last breath, permanent makeup (tattooing it is called) has the ability to fade with time. Moreover, the "blurring" graphic is not evenly. After a couple of years after the procedure, patients notice that some parts of the tattoo lose brightness or disappear. This is due to the fact that the color is injected on the face is not as deep as in the classic wearable tattoos. This is certainly good news that the tattoo may eventually wear out. But the bad is that the faded tattoo looks more awful than the fresh tattoo. So if you have decided on permanent makeup, choose the most neutral and natural colors, ie no blue, green, red - only beige, brown, pink.
2. Tattooing can cause severe allergic reactions
Color pigments, which are used for permanent make-up are not considered 100% safe. This is stated in the reports of the American agency for the control of medicines and cosmetics FDA. Even vegetable pigments cause an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in swelling and blisters. So advice: do permanent makeup only in good clinics and salons where are the quality assurance of drugs. And the best part of the procedure, consult with a dermatologist, he will tell you whether you have an allergy to pigments.

3. Permanent makeup can change the results of imaging
It seems ridiculous, but it's true! Iron particles in the pigment will react to magnetic pulses emitted by the apparatus for carrying out MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. As a result, after the test, you can feel a slight discomfort and even redness that will last several days. MRI studies are underway quite often (researched the brain, spine, internal organs), so this is a warning for many will be interested. If you have a tattoo and will have magnetic resonance imaging, it should notify the radiologist, so that he could set up the machine in a special way, such a possibility exists.
4. All equipment for permanent makeup should be 100% sterile
It is the responsibility of the clinic or salon, and you should not be too trusting. Make sure that you use the new tools, needles and tips for the drawing when you need to be unpacked. Also draws attention to the working environment wizard, there should be no previously used tools. You will be surprised, but there are many women who have been infected with such terrible diseases as AIDS and hepatitis C in the master tattoo. Do not chase the cheap, better go to a good salon with an impeccable reputation.
5. Not all the colors tend to fade
Despite what has been described earlier in this article, you can not rely on the fact that the tattoo will disappear with time, and therefore can afford to pin fashion "arrow", because when they go out of fashion, they are already gone. Black pigments are used in the eye, do not fade, they remain permanently. But tattoo around his lips will likely fade with time. And one more detail about the pigments. Less likely remain sharp and blur those pigments which contain iron oxide.

6. For best results take several sessions tattoo
If you think that it will happen one day, you are mistaken. For best results, be required to come to the salon a few times. And another bad point - the actual color of the tattoo on the skin may appear much darker than in the first weeks. Tint, of course, aligned with time, but be prepared for a rehabilitation period of 2-3 weeks, do not assign this time of important meetings and appointments.
7. The high price at high risk
Another thing that you need to weigh before going on permanent makeup - is the balance of risks and high prices. As well as the high price for the correction of poor quality tattoo. For example, now eyeliner upper and lower eyelids is about 6 000 rubles. Plus drawing mezhresnichnogo space - from 4000 rubles. Natural eyebrows - from 6000 rubles. Lip contour with shading - from 6000 rubles. That is, the permanent makeup for the face (eyes, eyebrows, lips +) can cost more than 20 000 rubles. A correction of defective permanents in all salons is more expensive than "draw" again. Add to the prices in a price of 50% - it's always a price for correcting someone else's work done earlier.
8. Look for alternatives
This news is definitely good. If you do not like make-up on their own, the permanent make-up - it is not the only solution for you. Modern manufacturers now offer a wide range of temporary tattoos, stickers, stencils, make-up and facilitate the process of making his professional precise and clear.

And if tattooing is always the possibility of health risks, then the temporary tattoos and stickers such risks is not at all. But increasing creative possibilities and more frequent changes in fashion image.
