Professional Graphics on the nails is becoming more accessible. Come more often in online shopping of goods for manicure or in the shops in your town. Today, we advise you to pay attention to two wonderful news.
1. dried flowers
You may remember our lesson, where we used as a graphic element nail design the first spring flowers and grass? (see here & gt; & gt; & gt;). Maybe then it occurred to you that the flowers and leaves can be dried, and after use. If you do not have time to do it - do not worry, for you all taken care of manufacturers of all kinds of consumables for nail art.
Frankly, I was trying to dry flowers for nail, but the color was not as bright as these purchased things. It is therefore very pleased when I saw a novelty - a set of dried flowers on Amazon.
The set - 12 varieties of flowers. Everyone - 3-5 pieces, ranging in size from 7 to 20 mm. Let's try to make the marigold flowers, remind yourself of a bygone summer.
We will need:
- Dried flowers nail
- Tweezers and toothpick
- Nail polish shades of nude (nail here Sally Hansen Salon Manicure Nail Polish, shade Nude Now)
- Top Floor - glitter (Glitter), here - Sephora Jewelry Top Coats, shade Traffic Stopper Copper
- If there is - drying nail (quick-drying top coat).
Step 1.
Identify those flowers of which will make the design and lay out on the table, turning his face down. Apply two thin coats of varnish nude.
Step 2.
Apply a coat with sequins.
Now, until the coating is not dried up, glitter, it is necessary for him to make dried flowers. It is better to do it this way: just hold still not dried nail to lay on the table the other side of the flower. You can use another way: to try to take a flower on the wet brush and apply to the nail. Spread toothpick. The flowers are fragile, proceed carefully!
Step 4.
Apply one or two layers of coating-drying. But can one layer of transparent glitter and top drying or any clear gloss finish. This eliminates the relief on the nails, give the fortress design.
The unique design is ready!
2. Decals
Do today's children have no such memories. But it has modern girls. Because perevodilki nail art sold at online stores. On paper, they may look even unattractive. But on the nails can be quite cute.
We will need:
- Background varnish Sephora by OPI is in shade Chestnuts About You
- Perevodilki (water)
- Top cover - clear, here Chanel extreme brilliance top coat.
- Tweezers, scissors, a bowl of water
Step 1.
Apply two coats of lacquer background. Use scissors to cut the image so that its size was about the same as the size of a fingernail.
Step 2.
Hold the tweezers, dip the picture in the water for about a minute.
Now carefully detach itself from the paper decal with tweezers and nail to attach the picture.
Step 4.
To seal the surface and to protect the image from being erased - on top put a layer of clear lacquer.
Optionally, to spend a lot of time and cover the picture all the nails. It is enough one or two perevodilok and manicure acquires a special vintage chic.
