This idea can be created using colored nail polish. But we chose to acrylic paint. If you have a few shades of paint, you can create a striking nail design, having at hand only one nail polish.
In addition to the white lacquer, you will need a base coat and protective upper and pen for nail art and a few bright colors of acrylic paint. Acrylic paints are now available, they are sold in stationery departments, they are used in various kinds of crafts and children's creativity. You will need more fine paint brush and water to rinse your brush.
Step 1.
Cover the nail lacquer base, it will extend the stability and protect the nail from the nail penetration of the color.

Step 2.
Make the background white nail polish. Without it, nothing happens, acrylic paints have very good coating ability and need a white background, the colors are clean and bright.

Take pen nail art (nail art pen). Use any color: white, metallic, neon. Here - a black felt-tip pen, and the design has turned a cold. Felt-tip pen, draw a line across the chaotic each nail. Lines should not be strictly parallel and straight, stick figure "zigzag".

Step 4.
I came acrylic paints. Again, you can use colored nail polish, but for paint and thin brush requires special skills and patience, and we choose the conventional paints. Start with any color. Paint over the white segments inside the black stripes. Do not worry if a little paint comes on top of the band, later on you will be able to remove it.

Step 5.
Continue to do by choosing different colors for stripes.

Step 6.
Now it is necessary to "clear" black stripes. It's enough to take a thin elastic brush slightly moistened in water, and remove the excess paint on her strips.

Step 7.
Fix the nail design layer of clear protective coating, but aim for a light touch so as not to dissolve the acrylic.

Bright and unusual design for anyone who wants to give his image of conviviality and exoticism:

The idea: oasap.com (SuperWowstyle on YouTube), schedule: mycharm.ru