We continue to acquaint you with interesting effects, which make manicure original and unique. This preserves our basic principle: accessibility and ease of implementation. For creative "color scratch" does not require any special professional tools.
To work need three shades of nail polish and heavy paper (you can use a business card or cover unnecessary gloss) and scissors and transparent topcoat (for securing the nail).

Step 1.
Prepare paper "teeth" through which we will then create a new effect. To do this, you need a pair of scissors to cut a small triangle on the edge of the cardboard. Think about yourself, what size do "teeth" - they would have to leave on the nail for 3-4 bands.

Use the "teeth" will be possible only once, so you have to make some of these cartons.
Step 2.
Apply the first coat of varnish color. Let it dry thoroughly. Here - a bright green paint. It can be directly applied to all the nails. A subsequent layers will do separately on each nail.

Apply a layer of another color. There - bright orange. Basically, this step can be skipped and immediately proceed to the next, but then the effect will be two color bands, instead of the tricolor. We work individually with every nail! A layer of orange shade dried for not fully, as little as 30 seconds.

Step 4.
The third color - black. It should be applied in a single layer, but just as straight as possible and not transparent. Again, do not dry completely.

Step 5.
Bend board with teeth so as to mimic the topography of the nail.

Step 6.
Spend the teeth of the nail so that the colored bands began to emerge. From the first time may not be possible, it is necessary to do the movements several times. Pressure hardly need only a light pressure.

Step 7.
When you are satisfied with the effect of bands completely dry nail. And then you can fix manicure top clearcoat.

These are the creative band!
