Have you noticed that some pretty good ideas for nail art look no better on nails. Techniques that use transverse bands or too large drawing - visually expand nails, make them flat and short.
Therefore, many are skeptical about the embellishment on the nails, not seeing the obvious advantages. And sometimes, the nails painted in the color of a good trend with a strong gloss look more impressive than a manicure, which took so much effort and creativity!
We offer you a simple nail design that will "work" on the nails of any shape. Due to the vertical stripes and the effect of the gradient transition of color nails will look more elongated and flat. The lightest shade simulates vertical highlight and the darkest color visually reduces the nails.
The color gamut choose yourself. The main thing that will need three colors from one color "families" plus white lacquer with a fine brush.
Step 1.
Protect the base nails with nail polish. Cover all nail darkest varnish in two layers. There - rich marine blue color. Dry.

Step 2.
Blue or turquoise paint cover the central portion of each nail, leaving a dark blue edge on the sides. First - a bar with a brush in the middle, and two strokes left and right of center. Blue nail polish dry.

Now you will need a light blue pastel shade. It must be put at the center of the nail. Cover width - the width of the brush, nothing more. On the sides of the nail plate should be visible to the previous layers.

Step 4.
Take the white nail graphics. It is often used for the classic French manicure. As a rule, it has a thin brush, which is very convenient to do "highlight" in the form of a thin stroke in the middle of the nail. White nail graphics is also good in that it has a better ability of the coating, in contrast to the usual white lacquer, which did not immediately give a smooth and opaque coating.

Step 5.
Cover the top nails protective transparent layer to align relief and enhance gloss.

This simple nail art, indeed, visually lengthens nails and creates the illusion of a flat shape.

If you have a few paints from one color scheme - try this trick. Color options on site
