If you like to make yourself a manicure, you probably had problems described below. How to make the coating more resistant? What to do with thickened varnish? How to remove very resistant manicure? Read the article and you will find answers to these and other issues relating to home manicure.
How to remove nail polish with glitter
1. A method foil.
To work need 10 squares of aluminum foil, 10 cotton balls and nail polish remover. Soak a cotton swab with liquid, place on top of the nail and wrap the foil around your finger. Wait 5 minutes. Then remove the foil with cotton rotary motion. You will find clean nails.
Instead, the foil can use small rubber bands, they pressed cotton balls soaked in nail polish remover.

Method 2. Without nail polish remover.
You will need a clear nail polish. Apply it on the nail. Take a cotton ball and wipe the nail plate. If you did not work the first time - I repeat once again. Neutral paint rubs off once, and glitter and long-lasting nail polish will require re-application of clear varnish.

As a manicure more resistant
At first,
Wear gloves whenever cleaning the house or doing washing dishes. Keep manicure from harsh detergents. Protection from cold is also important for the stability of the varnish, so wear woolen gloves when it's negative.
go on a dry manicure. Or at least give up soaking the hands in the bath. The nails extend warm water, and after thorough drying under compressed. As a result, the varnish may develop cracks. To soften the skin of the hands is better to use oil for cuticles.
always degrease the nail surface before painting. Nail polish remover not only removes grease stains, but any small particles and dust that also make less resistant lacquer.
Do not use a disinfectant when cleaning hands. These funds are composed of alcohol, which remains on nails and corrodes the lacquer layer. It is best to wash your hands a manicure in a familiar way, with anti-bacterial soap to get rid of germs.
How to paint less thick
Thickened nail - a common problem. This can happen from improper storage or at the end of the shelf life of the varnish. But do not rush to throw out a favorite bottle. Its contents can be made less dense. There are several ways:
1) Buy a drug such as Nail Polish Thinner.
This is a special lacquer thinner. This product is available most brands specializing in manicure. Lacquer thinner will serve you for a long time, so that Zaim it for its stock. To make the paint less thick enough to drip a few drops of the vial. Then close the bottle a couple of times and turn it upside down to thinner mixed with varnish. After the open neck of the nail and wipe with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

2) Dilute the lacquer by using the transparent and liquid consistency varnish.
Put a few drops of this nail polish in a bottle of nail thickened, stir. But not much agitated that no bubbles after the nails when working with paint.
3) Sometimes the paint quite a bit of heat
, To make it more pliable. Take the bottle in warm hands and rub it between your palms.
Do not use acetone to dilute the varnish, it destroys the lacquer formula. Keep paint and vertically in the refrigerator - cool prevent rapid evaporation of the product.
How to store varnishes
Store paints in a cool, dark place with a constant temperature. As a rule, the lower shelf of the refrigerator works best. Bathroom - the worst possible place to store nail polish. There's a lot of humidity, bright light, constantly changing the temperature and humidity - all of this makes the shelf life is shorter than lacquer.
It should also say that the nail polish can not stand when you are often shake and move (for example, carry in a purse or carry any in the car glove compartment). They can not be stored lying on its side - in an upright position. Then you will not run into such problems as bubbles on nails or dried bottle cap.

How to open the cover of the dried varnish
The best advice is - a heated lid. Heat hand here is not enough - you need to hold the bottle under hot running water. Then, open the lid and nail polish remover to clean the neck of that history does not repeat itself.

Vaseline trick
If you make a complicated nail design, after which have to scour the skin around the nail varnish on, or if you frequently encounter this problem in manicure, that is, a Vaseline reception.
- Before you apply nail polish, treat the skin around the nail with Vaseline (use a cotton swab).
- Do not disturb the nail plate! If you have touched - will degrease nail nail polish remover.
- Paint your nails, dry.
- Clean the skin around the nails, removing the petroleum jelly.
By the way, instead of petroleum jelly may be used ordinary fat cream or lotion to the skin.
White stunt
This method should be used when the nail is very bright and clear tone. For example, neon or pastel paints. If they are applied directly to the nail, or over a transparent base, the color will not be so bright.
Take this advice: first, apply a thin layer of nail polish white and dry it. And then coated nails neon shade. Then you will be able to achieve the same bright color as it was in the vial.
