Well-groomed skin, smile, memorable aroma and a stylish ensemble of clothes - perhaps this is the main signs of an attractive woman. When drawing up the proper wardrobe for you until the problem - Follow these 10 tips and you conquer the secrets of stylish women.
Secret № 1. Invest in quality
Quality stuff, of course, are expensive. But we do not call completely fill your wardrobe with luxurious handmade things. But you have to be at least two or three items of high quality, which are made of good and durable material and good cut. They do not need to be renewed each season, so this approach will be a good investment.
In practice, these things have become jackets, jeans and handbags. If desired, these qualitative new clothes will last you up to 10 years! Buy them in stores for cheap things are not worth buying even if they look decent. After a couple of socks you'll see that you need a different, better things.

Secret № 2. Think of your uniform
Women who are rewarded with compliments like "She always looks flawless" and "has no taste," in fact, do not spend a lot of time style. These stylish ladies dress no longer than 5 minutes, because they are always ready for a comprehensive solution, which they found and should be. For example, Kate Moss - a gray stretch jeans, boots and a black, short leather jacket. And if you think the style of other British women Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, then it can be called the hallmark of tight jeans and a loose-fitting top.
Locate and you "own" things will always work on your image, even if there is no time to pack.

Secret № 3. Dilute classics
Women who made history as the style icons are not always chosen classics. A healthy proportion of the diversity of clothing can not hurt. Not always is dressed textbooks. For example, shoes with a business pantsuit or total denim wardrobe - are examples of light and witty coming to the classics.

Secret № 4. Learn how to mix prints and patterns
In fact, it's easy. By depriving themselves of the opportunity to vary the prints, you do not get the whole range of stylish solutions. For example, mixing prints animalic easier than you can imagine: just prints combine different scales. A combination of floral patterns you get when you pick up prints not only different in scale, but different in tone.

Secret № 5. Think carefully about several combinations
Have ready some combination solutions in her wardrobe. This can be done if you follow the rules for creating a basic wardrobe. Basic things are especially variability, any of the basic items can be combined with almost every article of clothing.
The presence of the basics will save you money when it comes to update your wardrobe.

Secret № 6. Add your unique image
Quality stuff - it's good. But you did not notice, sometimes even an ensemble of very good things to look boring? This does not mean that one should run for trendy items-night. Focus on some unique accessories. For example, buy a bag with embroidered handkerchief or hand-painted, and can decide to handmade jewelry. It adds personality.

Secret № 7. Learn the features of the figure
Assess your figure objectively and see what silhouette you go the most. When buying any new clothes remember.
Decide also to their size. Do not buy things that are more or less than your settings. Very stylish dress will look ugly if you have to constantly pull up the hem, or vice versa, if the waist line will hang.

Secret № 8. Make-up - is also part of the style
And it is very important! Decide with your favorite tricks and make of them a "business card". So the reception may be red lipstick, a bright blush, smoky or lipstick nude. Remember the star that you like. Surely, it is recognizable not only by the hair and style of dress, it has its own style and makeup.

Secret № 9. Do not be too serious
Only billionaires and bourgeois dress with no sense of humor. They can not afford any self-irony. A stylish women sometimes wear T-shirts printed with the youth or "dabble" unusual nail design.

Secret № 10. Do not chase trends and brands
Items with logos in the past. Actual follow the style, not the brand. And, actually, it's not so much a science as it seems.
