How many times have you refused to complete the purchase of glamorous pairs of colored pins with tears: "shoe charm! But what I'm going to wear them? ". And indeed, what you can combine green or purple shoes? We have the answer.
Now you can buy any color shoes, because you will know what to wear.
One of the main rules: Shoes can be of any color, which is already in costume. This could be an element of prints, accessories, and even the color of lipstick or shadows. Further tips - for the more advanced, those looking for a modern variants of combining colors.
Red shoes
It is best suited to pink, orange, black, white, neutral and dark blue dress.

Red shoes - a great way to spice up a casual outfit, but avoid them if your dress has a lot of different colors. Red pins - is itself a strong accent, so they should not surround the many shades. And never choose monochrome solution: red on red - it's overkill.

Green shoes
Ideal for green color of the dress shoes - brown, black, blue, neutral, yellow.

Despite the fact that we rarely dare to buy a pair of sandals or shoes green, it's pretty universal shade. And it is suitable for many color combinations. But we should refrain from red or orange dress near the green shoes, it is very much reminiscent of a pumpkin or tomato.

Blue Shoes
Bright blue shoes go well with the outfit of yellow, neutral, brown and white color.

If we talk about casual attire, the blue jeans looks the most advantageous with blue shoes. Complete daily pattern can be topped ivory or beige. It should also be noted that if the shoes are navy blue, they are the same as the classic version of the black stud (ie, suitable for almost all), with a little color added together, and the group as a whole will look less formal.

Yellow shoes
The best thing a couple of bright yellow shoes with heels with the dress looks every shade of blue, and black, white and green dress.

Purple color is complementary to yellow, and wearing a purple dress with yellow shoes is acceptable, but it's quite a bold decision. Yellow shoes are a bad choice, if the skin of the legs or tights reddish hue, as well as dark-colored tights.

Orange shoes
If you have a pair of orange sandals or shoes with heels, then next to them will successfully look dress blue, white, red, yellow, and earth tones.

Avoid combining orange shoes with green or purple dress (for stylists such combinations are considered almost as taboo as the abundance of makeup on her face). Orange shoes goes well with brown, brown and beige colors - orange but only if this combination is very bright. If the orange light, then add it to help tone brown accessories.

Metallic Shoes
This sparkling and festive design shoes can be combined with a huge color palette attire. You should know that metallics are closer and closer to silver to gold. For them, there are different rules. Silver shoes are suitable for white, red, purple, neutral, black dress and shades of indigo. A golden shoes combines with black, red, white, emerald green, blue and burgundy outfit.

Next to the shoes do not look good metallic bold prints and bright fabrics, which are the same texture of shoe. Shoes metallic requires careful selection of accessories, it is best to find a clutch, belt or bag with the decor of metal (studs, buckles, chains).

Purple shoes
A pair of purple studs will look advantageously with a neutral dress, dark blue, pink and green.

One of the most elegant and daring combinations: purple shoes and a khaki outfit. Plum hairpin also look great with denim. The Council for a casual outfit: jeans + white shirt + jacket khaki + Purple shoes with heels. Yes, the ability to wear purple shoes offer the most beautiful outfit options.
