And in your wardrobe will be found a couple of suspenders? You have a lot to lose if still not got this truly feminine accessory. Yes, you heard right. Now more often you can find this versatile item of clothing is the beautiful half of humanity, rather than in the closets of the stronger sex. And this is no accident: Using braces can in an instant and add effektnosti usual style along, to give a modicum of extravagance and sexuality. Besides tightening make the figure more slender, accentuate the waist and neck.
So, what can women combine suspenders?
Suspenders - a universal means to create interesting images and slacks, and a pipe, and a classic flared trousers and with the arrow, and with narrowed models. Just watch over the compliance of suspenders style trousers. For example, in a business style would look out of place striking versions of this accessory, and at a youth party - on the contrary. One more thing: you should choose to lift the clamps to not bother sewing buttons and creating loops on clothing.

In fact, jeans - the same version that is perfect lift. No wonder the manufacturers of mass-produced products with the already sewn denim "gum". Another thing is that they are not completely worn standard - hanging on the sides. One of the rules of combination of braces and jeans is wearing a tight top items: shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts up to the waist. But the combination of lift-volume or long top should be abandoned: the product will puff up by dragging it with rubber bands.

Shorts with suspenders look childishly sweet and touching, but feminine and incredibly stylish. Of course, if we follow the main rule: Shorts should be narrow and rather short. Broad same model a la Bermuda, on the other hand, looked out of place and ridiculous. The best addition to a similar combination - fitted style top. For example, a dark satin shorts with cuffs perfect light fitting blouse and shoes-studs. A more democratic outfit - try denim shorts and t-shirts and complement the image of suspenders.

One of the winning combination: not only that such a duo looks feminine and juicy, and does so more graceful silhouette. For one thing: when it comes to skirts with a standard waist and not to over or sitting on the hips. Incidentally, it is worth paying attention to the lift with torsion on the back: a combination of organic looks with this clothing. As for the accompanying article of clothing, it is worth paying attention to stylish T-shirts and tank tops. The selection of shoes guided by personal taste: ballet flats, stud, wedge ...

Shirts and blouses
Combine these elements wardrobe, sticking to the principle of contrast: the brighter the color difference between the shirt and suspenders, the spectacular image. If you are in doubt about the appropriateness of colors, prefer the eternal classics. For example, white shirts made of cotton, silk or satin and black suspenders look quite trivial, strict and at the same time solemnly. This tandem is the best fit in a strict office dress code or a parade and weekend events. Equal and opposite situation: a combination of white with black suspenders riding.

Finally, I note that many refuse to wear braces because of the belief that they are only suitable to a particular style of dress. We are convinced you that this statement is far from the truth. They fit perfectly into the concept and casual, and the military, and romantic style, and office dress code, and special outputs. So do not be afraid to experiment, because the braces give you a great opportunity with minimal investment of funds each time an unusual look in a new way and always feminine!