Fashion - very changeable creation. We women like no one know about this today in a trend some trends, tomorrow - the other ... my head is spinning, a purse bursting at the seams, and stand out of the same suffering to be the most stylish turns out not always. What to do? We offer you a simple and straightforward solution: a little rebel! No, it is not necessary to administer a revolution: it is enough to try on the grunge style of dress. Well, agree? Then go ahead!
A little bit about the history of style
The founding father of grunge style (grunge) was the designer Marc Jacobs. Amateur night clubs and a very observant man, he was inspired not only the style of the young people the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, but the manner of dress of representatives of the marginalized. Needless to say, that his new collection 1993 just bombshell, hit the fashion guru flows criticism. However, he did not give up his idea and did the right thing: Now Marc Jacobs is one of the most significant figures in the fashion world, and grunge style became popular not only at home, but also far beyond its borders.

If you decide to join the grunge style, find out what is typical for him, and this:
• worn faded jeans;

• artificially aged and faded T-shirts and shirts. By the way, be sure to have at least one flannel shirt;

• jammed and creased leather jacket;
• bulky sweaters or, conversely, are too short;
• baggy dresses, skirts and sundresses;

• lowered hinges on knitted things, raw edges and frayed seams on clothes;
• wear dark shades and blurred;
• layering in the formation of the image. For example, chiffon sundress worn over a shirt, supplementing them with leather or denim jacket and rough boots;

• complete absence of accessories and the rejection of rhinestones, glitter and sequins;
• unprepossessing worn shoes from coarse materials to attrition. More often - boots, ankle boots, sneakers, boots.

It is not enough to dress in grunge up and down and look at it organically, if the image is not accompanied by the appropriate surroundings in the form of suitable hairstyle and makeup. What you should know:
* Best hairstyle - long hair, either confused, feathered, or collected in a sloppy ponytail. For one thing: they must be clean. All other styling and haircuts - banned.

* Tone of the face should be pale;
* Eye should be used shade of black, gray or brown, smoky makeup is allowed with the use of eyeliner and several layers of mascara;
* Lips should be brightly painted, preferably plum, scarlet, dark brown and similar shades;
* Nail polish should be exclusively black or dark colors;

* Welcome the broad eyebrow that did not look too manicured.
* Win-win alternative to such a catchy makeup - his absence.

To look attractive, you need to carefully consider all the details and nuances. Otherwise, you risk not look like a fashionable young lady, but as a man who lives under the poverty line. If you doubt the relevance of existing grungy things we recommend to pay attention to the latest collections of numerous democratic brands. There you will easily find an artificially aged and jammed into holes new fashionable clothes.
And finally: having decided to try on the "marginal chic", think of the process primarily as a game. Ultimately, grunge was created as a form of protest, and not as a manual fashion, binding.