Beach season started. Sea, sun and sand - it is excellent. But summer vacation - it is also excitement about the figures. After all, on the beach you can not hide under the shapeless sweaters, we have become bare. How to feel confident and to be beautiful in a swimsuit? There are a few secrets.
1. Emphasize the parts of the body that you are proud of
Every woman is bound to have the image of what she might be happy to show you. It is necessary to divert attention from the fact that the appearance is not like it, and bring to the place that you are satisfied.
For example, if you like your waist - underline it. Will this swimsuit special cut or pareo on hips, waist opening sexy curves.

If you are proud of the long, thick and shiny hair - do not remove them, but rather go with her. To draw attention to the beautiful neck or chest to help stylish necklace.

Makeup with shimmering glitter particles or also able to draw on extra kilos on your hips. Do not forget about this rule. It will not only hide the shortcomings, but also feel very confident, and to show individuality. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and decide what part of your body you would like to make a compliment. If you emphasize the right, and the others do not keep you waiting with compliments.
2. Select a swimsuit in which feel confident
If you are the happy owner of a flat stomach, then feel free to choose a bikini. But if you do not want to show too much nudity - this is normal. By the way, modest swimwear is now closed and in the trend. You can also select a correction swimsuit that will tighten the tummy, bust will give a volume thanks to technology push-up. Among the fashionable swimwear model has a high waistline, as well as shorts, shorts or a skirt.

Girls with nestandatnoy figure can draw attention to bathing suits with the original and even unusual brim: asymmetrical details, cuts, lowered straps, draping - distracting from the figure, forced to watch on a swimsuit and not to assess the figure. All this will help to feel more confident.
3. Locate the option, closing the trouble spots
You have already stressed their most beautiful places? But we need more to cover what you is not like in yourself. There is good news: Now the beach is not only made to wear a swimsuit. It's true. Previously it was thought that the clothes on the beach inappropriate. Now you can safely shut down blouses, tops, shirts, shawls, handkerchiefs, towels and so on. On top of a bathing suit you can wear shorts (to hide cellulite) or light silk pants. Any clothing on the beach can be justified by the protection from the sun, which has now become the main anti-age prevention.

The invention has removed the problem of tanning sunbathing on the beach, the sea is now possible to just relax, socialize, swim and tan is safer to get in the salon or at home with the help of avtobronzatov.
If you do not want to show their thighs and legs, then buy a large sarong. Incidentally, pareos and sarongs on the beach right now are men.

If on the contrary, you are happy feet, and want to hide the belly - look at the light poncho or cape.

A very popular option for the beach - white T-shirt. Select a humorous picture - then the white shirt would be appropriate for a beach holiday.
4. Add accessories
Wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, jewelry marked - all this will make you look like a movie star at the pool. Some mistakenly believe that the jewelry and make-up - not for the beach. Of course, not every beach it's appropriate. But if you plan to be on the equipped beach, where there are cafes, lounge chairs, cozy tables and umbrellas, the accessories only help to feel confident. In addition, they distract attention from some figure flaws.

However, all necessary measure. Therefore, we offer this option: red lipstick, hat and big earrings. These three elements will give your image the image of glamor and are appropriate almost everywhere.
5. Move beautifully
Good posture creates the effect of a slim figure. Pull the belly, straighten your back and pull out the little chest out, keep your head up slightly - this plastic give confidence, regardless of complexion and beauty swimsuit.

If you lie on your back and sunbathe, the knees can be slightly bent - so legs and hips look slimmer. To hide the wrinkles on his stomach - pareo tied on the waist or a scarf when you sit down.
Have a nice rest! And one more note: protect from sunlight. Burns on the body and uneven tan does not add confidence. Take pleasure sunscreen with a high degree of protection, as well as tanning and bronzers - they will help correct skin tone for the party.