Currently Glasses are not only and not so much a functional accessory but rather a magic wand to its owner, helping to hide how little signs of fatigue, and create stylish images. For this reason, a selection of special glasses required, timid approach trendy setting, not in harmony with an oval face, or tsvetotip can make efforts to create the ideal image to "no" by making it ridiculous and funny.
Are there universal tips on choosing eyeglass frames? Of course! And it's time to tell them.
Lessons geometry
To begin to understand what shape your face.

If this
Then virtually no limits - the choice could fall on any of your favorite glasses frame is equal to the width of the face, or just issued. By the way, this accessory allows you to dramatically change the image. Do you want to appear in front of friends in a new way? Or maybe just want to change something, but not ready for such drastic measures, such as a change of hairstyle or hair color? Try to select another rim glasses. If you prefer, you can buy several different points in the frame. And change on health: a new day - a new way! For example, a square frame, add your image a strict business style, with rounded lines - soft and feminine.

Task owners
round face
it lengthened. Coped well with this task elongated rectangular glasses. To achieve harmony and balance a person will also help a wide arch.

When choosing a frame for
triangular type face with high cheekbones and chin
it should be noted that the main objective is to achieve harmony, and thus align proportions. In this case, very well shaped glasses cat and aviators.

inverted triangle with a thin and narrow chin
suitable goggles, giving the severity of the lower face, deal with it in a light oval glasses frame or without it.

Owners of square faces need to soften it. As you can not make it better points in oval or round frames.

Correction: eyes and hair
I do think that can help us in choosing the color of the frame? Eyes. It turns out that one need only look at their color, pick up a contrast to it, and that's - they give depth and shading view, glasses.
So for
cornflower, blue and gray eyes
It recommends choosing reddish rim, cinnamon and cognac colors on the rim or permissible bow decorative elements or platinum color of violets.
Emerald eye color
It will make brighter shades of plum, violet and deep brown. Acceptable, decoration on the rim of the eyes to match.
Women suit virtually all colors, but the most impressive will look bright and rich blue, violet. Gold will give expensive accessories, and in the eyes shimmering sparks ignite.
Hair color also will assist in the difficult choice of glasses of your dreams.
suitable metal, but gold rim, better to choose a noble copper and bronze shades, and less shine! Not bad will look matte option.

will suit the bright color, plastic red, blue or yellow rim, despite simple and inexpensive material, will look very stylish.

the very nature of the girls ordered the green color, spectacle frames - is no exception.

Of course, blindly follow this advice is not necessary, but should listen to them. Originally, the selection of eyeglass frames seem tricky, but enough to try a few models suitable to your facial features and you will understand what you need!