To be beautiful woman is free to use all the new products that it represents the beauty industry. Waist and corrective underwear - the fastest and easiest way to get the perfect body. What is the difference between these types, how to choose and how to wear?
Recipe for harmony of each of us is known from the school. A healthy diet and active physical activity - that is all that is necessary to maintain the normal figure. But if the situation got out of control to get rid of excess fat is not easy. To accelerate the mechanism of weight loss will help with the effect of corrective underwear sauna. Try it, you'll be satisfied!
Thermal underwear and lingerie with sauna effect has on the body of a local stimulation, which favors getting rid of excess fat in the traps. The obvious advantage of the laundry - almost point impact. The most intense it works, where the situation requires it.
What happens when you are clothed in underwear? Due to the special impregnation or special fabrics from which the product in problem areas the temperature rises, giving lipolytic effect. Contrary to popular belief such linen useless in everyday life, as "works" exclusively during exercise.

When you are active, additional heat together with the work of the muscles increases blood flow, improves metabolism. The logical result is the decrease in the volume of fat cells, and as a consequence - loss of centimeters and grams in the waist and hips.
If all of the above do you think small, you can multiply the effectiveness of corrective underwear. To put it under a special cosmetics.
Anti-cellulite products - lotions, creams, gels containing green tea and coffee, rosemary, pineapple or algae contribute to a significant reduction of "orange peel" in the hips and buttocks.
Moisturizers with peptides, hyaluronic acid and vitamins are helpful, if your body is perfect in terms of weight loss, but the appearance of the skin requires a small correction. These substances help the skin to gain firmness and elasticity and beautiful terrain.

How to choose a corrective underwear?
Like any other type of underwear clothing, underwear corrective requires precision in determining the size. If you normally wear M or L, mean and underwear should take only these values. An additional criterion that plays an important role in the selection of good linen, is the type of your physique.
Body type "pear"
- Needs to be corrected in the "breeches", smoothing the appearance of cellulite. It is necessary to "tighten" the legs and improve the shape of the buttocks. Depending on the task, you should choose pants, shorts, leggings or breeches.
Body type "apple"
- In need of correction of folds on the back and sides, it is lifted chest, forming a flat stomach and slender waist. With these tasks to handle the laundry in the form of body, polugratsii, corset belt or a corset, pants with a high waist.
Body type "crumpet"
- Focused on postroynenie silhouette as a whole, so there is reason to look at options such as the kombidres, grace, or a combination.

How to wear corrective underwear?
It seems that this is no big deal, and put forward to achieve sporting victories. However, it is not so! There are some limitations behavior during wear underwear.
So, it is forbidden to wear underwear for more than two hours. Especially strictly this rule applies to T-shirts, corsets and other articles, tight chest. The fact that a prolonged rise in temperature at the chest can trigger the development of various diseases of the mammary glands. So be careful!
During socks products becomes mandatory to comply with the correct drinking regime. Drink plenty of fluids, especially in hot weather, as excessive sweating, which causes the laundry, without external ingress of moisture can cause dehydration.
Linen with the effect of the sauna is not desirable to wear for dermatitis, wounds, cuts and scratches to the full disposal of external defects and cardiovascular diseases - wear it at all strictly contraindicated.

Slimming underwear
It is an instant way to lose weight by 1-2 size, which makes the figure visually slimmer. Area designation slimming underwear - no exercise or intensive physical activity, and a ceremonial gateway to the world. If you are invited to an event that requires an evening dress or slinky dresses, slimming underwear will help you feel more confident and splendid.
It is made of elastic fabric - Lycra, spandex, lycra, nylon, jersey and cotton. The problem areas most often has a "gain" - double or triple the insertion of tissue that are more tightly hold the volume figure.
Good slimming underwear seamless as it should be invisible under clothes. Of course, any additional layer of clothing increases sweating, but worry about the odor you do not have. Slimming underwear treated with antibacterial compounds that inhibit the growth of bacteria and as a consequence, the emergence of the results of their life as a persistent scent notes.

How to choose a slimming underwear?
As is the case with thermal underwear, the main criterion - the right size. Refer to the table manufacturer to purchase the product on the figure. Only it will have a moderate massage, anti-cellulite effect and will contribute to getting rid of the stagnation in the pelvic area.
During fitting note that the laundry does not cause discomfort, not pressed and not to crash into the skin. Unnecessary sacrifice for anything, only the convenience, comfort and good mood.
Be beautiful!
Author: Natalia Bartukova