Rare and even unusual ingredients in cosmetics - is a sign of our times. Precious metals and stones, extraction of rare plants ... This is now a little surprise anyone. But for this article, I decided to find the most unusual, in my opinion, constitute modern cosmetic products and procedures. Particularly sensitive nature is better not to read, and environmentalists and human rights activists, it is desirable!
Foreskin baby
The very phrase it could plunge some in shock. But the use of this material to rejuvenate Estheticians justified. Indeed, the foreskin of infants is an ingredient for some injectable fillers. For example, it is known that cosmetic fillers such firms as Cosmoplast, Vavelta, Cosmoderm are composed of cells derived from infant foreskin. These cells - the source of natural human collagen and fibroblasts. I also continue to worry about the question of how these companies are less valuable material? And you know about this baby's parents, who have made simple operation?
Many companies have tried to enter this component in cosmetic skin care. This, of course, not on the salty caviar in a jar. Spread it on the skin does not make sense. For skin needs fresh eggs of rare species of fish. Of course, it is expensive, and most likely, it is doubtful in terms of ethics and protection of nature. How expensive? For example, cream La Prairie's Caviar Luxe Cream with a very high concentration of caviar worth 710 dollars. Caviar extract contains truly rare required substances such as alpha gidrokisloty, proteins, fatty acids. But is it worth it to rip open the belly of a cute fish?
African civet musk
It's a wild cat. Derived from special glands of cats (the official name civetone) are a popular ingredient in perfumes and colognes luxury. Civetone synthetically prepared, but perfumers still prefer obtained scraper crotch cat cancer. If you do not like this idea of using wildlife, check the label of your perfume, natural or synthetic gland used there.
Snail Trail
Chilean cosmetics brand Arenscaracol argues that the use of snail slime for their products is due to the incomparable qualities that acquires cosmetics. Products Arenscaracol improve the skin, repair damaged tissue, fill wrinkles, make the skin wonderfully smooth. I feel sorry for the snails, but who are now thinking of invertebrates?
Sheep Placenta
Are you ready to find out that your hair may be the remains of the placenta from the birth of lamb? For example, the brand Hask manufactures a full line of products for hair, proudly touting a rare ingredient - sheep's placenta. As part of the line conditioners, hair treatment masks ... Again the question, let stupid as this ingredient is obtained? Most likely, the poor lambs artificially stimulated, and think about whether in this case the offspring born?
Strange, but that is very harmful to consume food that is sometimes beneficial for wrinkles. Everyone knows that you can not buy dented cans or delayed due to the risk of catching botulism. But it turns out this nasty bacteria should not be underestimated. After all, under the control of sosobym of these bacteria to produce useful botulinum toxins A and B, people known as Botox and Dysport. Probably, this story was moldy, which later gained valuable antibiotic. Well, against this subordination terrible bacteria like I have nothing against not yet have. Moreover, the same Botox is not only concerned with the salvation of age tetenek, but is making progress in the treatment of headaches, cerebral palsy and other diseases.
Snake venom
Do you want to freeze your wrinkles without the use of Botox? Syn-Ake - the drug was synthesized from the venom of the viper, and it's kind of an alternative to Botox, as well as has a relaxing effect on muscles. Incidentally, Gwyneth Paltrow called a fan of this unusual beauty ingredient. A brand Sonya Dakar and Peter Thomas Roth have a whole line of anti-aging products based on snake venom. I wonder if anyone cares about snakes then, who were deprived of the poison?
Carmine / Cochineal
These are the dyes. Do you wear red lipstick or gloss? And how your lipstick got red? Soaked in a special way the insects are used as excellent red dye, and the name of his carmine or cochineal. Strange, but until recently it was virtually impossible to understand what kind of dyes used in cosmetics. And just last year the international organization FDA decision was made to oblige the manufacturer to specify, if used as a dye pigments from insects. That is, by 2011 lipstick have to be marked, in which the manufacturer is obliged to indicate the presence of cochineal, if any. If you do not want to order your red did not kill insects, start reading labels, beware of words like Carmine / Cochineal (Carmine / Cochineal)
Bull semen
Seminal fluid has a large amount of protein needed to strengthen and deep conditioning hair. For example, in London there are salon Hari's Salon, and if you have 45 minutes of time and $ 100, you can get the procedure for the treatment of hair, based on bovine semen. I do not know about you, but I can not imagine what they do to the poor animal for such a useful thing, so it is trust from wheat proteins and keratin in such matters as the treatment of hair.
Dolphins and Whales
The history of the use of whale ingredients is quite extensive. Besides sperm, considered useful for cosmetics various waste products, cancer, even intestinal mass. The same can be said about dolphins. In the end, the same is a great whale dolphin. In general, it is clear that the material is an exceptionally valuable for cosmeticians and perfumers. But environmentalists are already sounding the alarm, and some prohibitions on the use and exploitation of whales still valid. Although persistent rumors that, despite the fact that synthetic substitutes exist, such as the perfume houses Creed and Serge Luytens still use natural components whale.
