Modern Meadow The company made a real breakthrough in the apparel industry. Laboratory staff have created a unique material - natural skin grown in the laboratory. From now on, everyone will be free to wear pretty, stylish things made of genuine leather, knowing that the victim was not brought a single animal.
As you know, in the United States and Europe, more and more people refuse clothing and accessories made of natural fur and leather. Preheat "consumer choice" activists of the international public environmental organization
Green Peace
, And then carrying out actions against the stars and the ordinary people who flaunt in furs and leather new clothes. Media regularly write about when "green" cut and pour paint such products directly to the people. Development of
Modern Meadow
It allows to reconcile the interests of the fashionistas and the fighters for the environment. You no longer have to choose between her love for our younger brothers and the ability to update the black leather jackets or elegant raincoat made of genuine leather.
In a press release reported that the technology allows you to get a skin of any animal - from the ordinary to the exotic swine crocodile.
It's enough to take a sample of cells from animals.
They will be processed in the laboratory, "ripe", and finally turn into a full-fledged material from which you can sew fashionable
, Belt or jacket. Another undeniable plus is that the artificial natural skin do not have to handle toxic chemicals in tanning.

By the way, the data is sponsoring the development of the international payment system
So the project is unlikely to stop working due to a sudden stop funding. Leaders
Modern Meadow
It promises that the ecological fabric will be available in the next five years. And, despite the fact that the price of the new material is slightly higher in comparison with natural leather, its popularity and demand no doubt. It is expected that once the fashion houses "snatch" the fabric and sew from her collection of jackets, suits,
and other types of clothing, because it will attract more attention of the public to cause the approval of the public, to raise a new wave of responsibility towards nature. I can not but rejoice that the wait is nearly here - half a century, and some who are five years.

But that is not all. In the same laboratory are going to grow artificial meat. Research on this issue will last twice as long. Firstly, because the priority is still leather. Second, the skin has a more simple structure, that is, to grow it a little bit easier than meat. Finally, all that relates to food, requires more long-term experiments and approvals, which is quite natural.

By the way, the day before the study was conducted a thematic survey. The results showed that 40% of people willing to replace the current products on artificial, including artificial meat taste.
Photo: social network for fashionistas Relook.ru
Author: Marina Tumovskaya