"Winter" cosmetic ingredients: aloe
 The extracts of this plant are found almost in every second face cream. What caused such popularity of aloe? And whether it is reasonable? A few decades ago, "agave" - ​​so called by the people aloe vera - was a resident of each apartment and used in the event of cuts, sores, wounds, runny nose, conjunctivitis. Meanwhile, aloe is used for medical purposes for about 3500 years!

Aloe, growing on our windowsills, - plant rather clumsy, but the tropical species of aloe are very colorful. Homeland aloe is considered South Africa, but it has long been very widespread as a cultivated plant.

In Russia, this plant has become popular not so long ago - a hundred years ago, Aloe has been used exclusively as a laxative! His wound-healing properties were observed only in 30-ies of XX century, and on the basis of aloe has created several drugs with immune-stimulating properties, both for local and for general use.

Actually, the component composition of any plant can be called "natural factory". It often happens that synthesize these substances is not possible, so it is particularly valuable plants are industrial cultivation. These include many well-known medicinal plants - and chamomile, and ginseng and calendula. Aloe is not an exception in this sense.

What does the makeup?
The main beneficial properties of aloe appear when applied externally, and this did not fail to take advantage of manufacturers of cosmetics. Since aloe vera is grown in large quantities for the needs of pharmacy, respectively, it is not difficult to use it in cosmetic formulations. A reason for the popularity of aloe is rich chemical composition of plants.

At first In aloe juice composition contains natural antiseptics - salicylic acid, phenol, sulfur and lupeol - floral balm. All of these in combination provide a good anti-inflammatory effect, and salicylic acid provides even anesthetic.

Secondly Organic acid contained in the composition of plants (cholesterol, kamfersterin and B-sitosterol) provide power and recovery of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. These natural ingredients are able to accelerate the healing of wounds and remove the pain.

Third , The main property, which is so fond of this plant scientists - is immunostimulatory. Specific substances called biostimulants, produced in the leaves of aloe exposed to cold temperatures and in the absence of light. Their main action - is to increase the protective reactions of the organism as a whole or in a particular area if aloe is used topically.

In the recent past, Russia (then the USSR) were actively producing drugs Aloe: Aloe extract liquid for injection Aloe liniment (for external use), aloe vera, aloe pills, aqueous extract. Currently, industrial production remained in injectable form and aloe juice, also produced syrup with iron. On further studies of this unique plant can not hear anything. But the outer form with aloe completely "moved" in the cosmetics!

According to some, to aloe cream was effective in removal of inflammation and recovery of hydro-lipid barrier of the skin, it is necessary that the concentration of aloe extract in cosmetics has from 20 to 40%. Such products are really close in their properties to medicinal creams. But mostly (cosmetic purposes) Aloe extract contained in creams and lotions in a concentration of from 2 to 15%. This component provides nutrition and hydration, restoration of the skin, protect against bacterial aggression.

Aloe is used in many biologically active additives as components have an immunostimulating effect. Of course, their effectiveness can only guess, but even if these drugs are moved only a fraction of the useful properties of this plant, the body receives the necessary support and protection.

The area in which the aloe without exaggeration dominates - is traditional medicine. It uses a variety of forms of this plant for the treatment of many diseases ranging from dermatitis to normal gastric ulcer, ie for external and for internal use.

Several Recipes masks with aloe That can be prepared, if the house has a plant.

1 . Fresh aloe juice (2 tablespoons) mixed with egg white. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. It is recommended for inflamed skin with the elements of the rash.
2 . Fresh aloe juice (2 tablespoons) mixed with 1 tablespoon strong infusion of chamomile and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mask is applied to the face and neck as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. Application time - 10-15 minutes. There are variations in the composition: the use chamomile instead of other herbs - calendula, St. John's wort, peppermint.
3 . "Mask of Youth" - mixed in equal proportions aloe juice and cream, sour cream can be used. To apply the mask you want to use gauze, folded in several layers. This composition refreshes the skin, improves the complexion.
4 . You can use pure aloe juice, for example, the area around the eyes.
Author: Olga Zorina