What is the weight ... neurosis?
 A fundamentally new method of diagnosis and treatment, doctors used a Moscow clinic. They developed special tests, which can judge the level of disturbing activity of the patient, taking into account the balance of his neurohormones. About how a new way you can see the causes of many psycho-neurological diseases we are talking with a leading neurologist clinic Elena Tanaeva.

- Dear Elena G., at what diseases your technique provides effective results?

- First of all, it's neurosis of various origins, depression, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, the effects of trauma and neuroinfections, panic attacks, dizziness, headaches of uncertain origin ...

- It sounds impressive. But please explain, what is the essence of this new product, which allows you to successfully deal with such complex diseases, and what role is played by hormones?

- The fact that now the modern neuroscience are increasingly looking for ways to identify specific parameters that could be judged on those or other conditions of the patient's neurological status. In our clinic for the first time in practice   We have come to define stress hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands (epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine). This information significantly complements the classical methods of patient examination, taken in neurology, and allows you to more accurately determine form   and the severity of the disease.

Evaluating the level of neurohormones, we get an "index of depression, mood". Elevated levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline indicates elevated levels of anxiety. Reduction of dopamine is a clear criterion of the doldrums. Hormone levels reflect the degree (depth) destruction of the body in diseases of the central nervous system. We have developed a technique for diagnosing neurological diseases supplements the standard narrative, symptomatic assessment of disease assessment of real options, translate "words disease" into specific numbers, if you will, "weigh" depression or neurosis.

- Please tell us more about the connection between these hormones and neurological diseases.

- Communication is direct. For clarity, give a simple example.

 What is the weight ... neurosis?
 Imagine being in the same room is a few people, and suddenly hear a fire alarm. This signal is picked up by the hearing aid is transmitted to the brain, which forwards momentum in neuroendocrine system. What's going on in the body? Produces hormones stress, people run out of the room. If you measure the level of neurohormones to signal the fire and after, the difference will be obvious. The level of these hormones will be greatly overstated. But as will be apparent that in healthy people stress hormone levels will still be within the upper limit of normal. The people also suffering from increased anxiety, neuroses, depression, mental instability, emotional instability, levels of neurohormones "tipped the scales".

- In your opinion is it that panic attacks in patients - this is also a high level of adrenaline in the blood? Please tell us about the role of these hormones in human life?

- Adrenalin body needs constantly because every minute of it recycled fabrics and gives them energy. Imagine that a person is constantly drinking water from a bottle. And another bottle of water in his hand. So, the adrenaline - is the kind of water consumed by the body, and the additional capacity - it is a stable supply of norepinephrine. That is why the level of adrenaline is difficult for something to judge, although it is very high figures, of course, alarming doctor. By the way, the world's leading laboratories studying the stress hormones, are guided by reference values ​​(upper and lower limit of normal) levels of norepinephrine in the body.

- Elena G., why you became engaged neurohormones?

This idea came from cardiology. In the 80s of the last century in patients who died from myocardial infarction, cardiologists have discovered high levels of norepinephrine in the blood, and its presence in the myocardium. It was then that cardiology has experienced a real boom - a fantastic explosion of interest in stress hormones. Achievements cardiologists gave impetus to the development of a whole class of blockers - drugs that block the action of adrenaline negative.

Today neurology as a science can be compared with cardiology - on the same keen interest in stress hormones and their role in the understanding of the human condition. As practice shows, cardiac and neurological diseases may have similar causes and in patients with cardiovascular disorders, for example, has the same endocrinological problems that people have, say, a depressive syndrome.

- If I understand correctly, it is by measuring the level of stress hormones in a patient, for example, urine or blood, it can be concluded about his neurological status?

- Quite true. Recent studies have shown that, for example, in multiple sclerosis is the increased level of noradrenaline indicates that the disease is in the acute stage. A normal level of this hormone indicates remission. When depression crucial role played by dopamine - a very powerful natural antidepressant. Therefore, reducing its level below the reference values ​​indicate depression in a patient.

In our clinic we have developed a new diagnostic program "Living without depression and neurosis" . We approach the problem comprehensively, literally "dig deep" to the root cause of the disease of each individual patient, taking into account the set of its individual characteristics. Our diagnostic methods allow to obtain detailed information on the functional status of most organs and body systems. Of course, in the area of ​​special attention are the adrenals and thyroid.

 What is the weight ... neurosis?
 - What is all this necessary?

- All of these complex studies are needed to develop an individual program of rehabilitation of each of our patients. For example, the causes of depression in one of our patients proved to be pronounced suppression of adrenal function, decreased thyroid function, liver dysfunction and vascular dystonia. Here you have a depression!

Therefore, one of the components of our successful treatment of neurological diseases is to stabilize the functions of the adrenal and thyroid - the two main bodies which depend on the production of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. In the middle and end of the treatment in patients, we take blood and urine tests on stress hormones, and how they are falling, judged on how effectively being treated. The combined effects of the neuroendocrine system allows us to achieve the improvement of the patients, while minimizing drug load on the body.

- Elena G. and some additional techniques you use in your work?

- Of course. I can tell you about the unique native method, which has been successfully used in the United States, Canada, Europe and ... in our clinic. The technique is called "Music of the brain." What it is? Let me explain with an example. From experience we know that crying child calms down, if it is to include a recording of his own tears. So in this manner. True, everything is more complicated. We record EEG brain. It is converted by the computer into the music listening then we give to the patient. When one hears "their" music, it calms down, starts, for example, better sleep.

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