"Winter" cosmetic ingredients: vegetable oil
 Due to the request of customers and manufacturers of cosmetics to make a more "natural", appears more of these components, which provide multi-level skin care. For example, some vegetable oils are simply unique in respect to impact on skin, and with respect to their origin.

The classic recipe is necessarily present in any of the vegetable oils: sunflower or almond, peach or corn, cocoa butter - all the "right" components of creams used in cosmetology and pharmacy than a decade.

Why use vegetable oil in a cream?   They themselves can not provide the required consistency of a cream, some of them become rancid during storage and can impart an unpleasant odor cosmetics, many have a very peculiar smell and can only be used in mixtures of oils. But there are some properties that are extremely valuable in skin care.

Reason № 1. Vitamins

Vegetable oils contain soluble vitamins A, E, D, K - either in the natural form, or introduced into the composition during manufacture. Vitamins A, known to be involved in many biochemical processes, and regulating skin absorption of other substances.

Reason № 2. The protective function

Almost all vegetable oils restore the barrier function of the epidermis and retain moisture in the skin .  These properties enable them contained in the composition of fatty acids necessary for the nutrition and skin regeneration (oleic and linoleic, linolenic and palmitic) .  That is why the vegetable oil is introduced into the winter creams - cryoprotectants, which not only prepares the skin to the effects of low temperatures, adjusting blood circulation, but also provide protection against negative influences due to a thin film .  For example, jojoba oil (extracted from plants Buksus Chinese) reduces the loss of water the skin due to its members by providing its "safety" in addition, the skin becomes very soft and supple .  In other words - jojoba oil provides protection from internal mechanisms, not just mechanically protecting the skin .  This oil is exceptionally resistant to oxidation and therefore increases the shelf life of creams .

Reason № 3. Media

Oils can be carriers of active substances creams. Usually used for this purpose specifically designed synthetic bases, but vegetable oils may also be used in certain cases, for example, good properties "transporter" is avocado oil, which in itself sufficiently valuable: contains vitamins A, C, D, E, K , PP Group B2, phytosterols (immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic action), salts of phosphoric acid, squalene (structural components of cells of the dermis), trace elements.

Reason № 4. natural antioxidants

Oils rich in natural substances, is a unique complex that protect the skin from free radicals. This property provides the fat-soluble vitamins A and E, as well maloupominaemye components such as ferulic acid (it may be prepared synthetically, but it is difficult to introduce in the cream). In the natural state, it contains, for example, corn and rice oil.

Reason № 5. The complex multicomponent structure

These oils are used not only as a base for the cream, but also provide the main active cosmetic effect. For example:
sea ​​buckthorn   - It has a pronounced wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, regenerative properties (composition: β-carotene, tocopherol, vitamin B1, B2, C, E, K, P, folic acid, choline, betaine, coumarins, phospholipids, sterols, malic, citric , organic tartaric acid, sodium, magnesium, silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, lead, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, strontium, etc.).
cacao butter   - One of the consumable components of the cream base as attached cream necessary consistency, but the main advantage of the cocoa butter is its complex effect on the skin - healing, tonic, soothing, calming, regenerating (composition - fatty organic acids: lauric, palmitic, stearic, arachidonic acid, oleic acid, linoleic, alkaloids theobromine and caffeine, tannins and others.).

For complex complicated oils are also grape seed oil, blackcurrant, mango, cardamom, nutmeg oil, karite tree fruits, seeds, borage   - Examples are many. Some of the ingredients found only in cosmetics and drugstore brands class "luxury", but the most widely known and applicability.
Author: Olga Zorina