Vitamins that help overcome the flu
 Studies have shown that regular intake of vitamins support the immune system and helps to prevent the flu. Taking vitamins during diseases can alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration of illness. Among the many useful minerals such as those available from the conventional products, and some include a recommended diet as dietary supplements. Here are the basics:

1. ECGC, or epigallocatechin gallate (catechine) Located in green tea. It is known for its antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor activities.

2. Vitamin C : According to scientists, receiving 1,000 mg of vitamin C every six hours giving effective relief, or may even prevent, flu symptoms.

3. Zinc : The use of zinc tablets every two to three hours can shorten the duration of cold symptoms.

4. N-acetyl cysteine The substance helps to improve the work of the lungs, making it an important agent in the treatment of chronic asthma and acute respiratory infections.

5. Beta-carotene and vitamin A : Used for the construction of cell walls and the mucosa of the lungs. Also help to increase the number of cells, infection-fighting, and neutralize free radicals. Vitamin A improves the immune system, increasing the number of white blood cells, which allows you to fight with the disease.

6. Vitamin E : Needed for the production of B-lymphocytes, which then produce antibodies to fight off viruses and bacteria.


Note:   22 essential vitamins and minerals are part of Multivitamin Complex Formula 2 by Herbalife, which provides the body with daily intake of vitamin E and 100% daily intake of B vitamins * 50% - vitamin A and 33% - iodine, copper and manganese at one time!

Author: Anna Shustrova