Completed interregional competition tailor-amateurs and professionals "Silver Thread -" CHIC »,« Diana Moden »,« The stylish hairstyles "held by the publishing house" EDIPRESSE-KONLIGA "in the 19 th time.
On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the competition is improving and changing for the better. Since the finished image, created by designers, contestants, it is difficult to imagine without emphasizing its unique hairstyles and original make-up, starting with predyubileynogo year competition "Silver Thread" support not only logs sewing "sewing and cutting" and «Diana Moden», but also more one magazine "EDIPRESSE-KONLIGA" - edition of the beauty of women "trendy hairstyles." Birthday of this edition was also marked on October 10 in the club "Lion Heart", together with the 10th anniversary of the main organizer - magazine "Sewing and cutting."
Participants from 11 regions of Russia demonstrated their creativity and genuine creative achievement, which was appreciated by all the members of the jury - professional designers, experts in technology of sewing and modeling, stylists and makeup artists. They all noted the increased level of aesthetic and technical skill of the contestants, modernity and relevance of the models and the integrity of the presentation of the image. All participants received prizes from the general sponsor - the company ESTEL Professional and organizers - ID "EDIPRESSE-KONLIGA."
He became leader of the Superfinal:
category "Tailors-lovers" - Diana Venison (Protvino) and Aliya Galeeva (Chelyabinsk);
category of "students of specialized educational institutions" - Julia Novozhilova (Nizhny Novgorod) and Natalia Shcherbakova (Belgorod);
category "Clothing for Children" - Valery Pomazanova (Belgorod), and Matthew and Anna Pisarev (Omsk)
category "Dressing clothes" - Anna Zheleznyakova (Yaroslavl) and Julia Terekhin (Omsk)
category "Professionals" - Nikita Okishev (Omsk) and Nadezhda Yusupova (Belgorod);
category "Knitting Patterns" - Olga Bulatova (Kamensk-Uralsky) and Olga Zajac (Essentuki).

The category "Professionals" - Nikita Okishev (Omsk). "Phoenix bird" dress top is made of a dense material, in contrast with it - light, fluffy skirt. Dress symbolizes the rebellious spirit. This girl who is fighting for their freedom, rebel girl, encased in a white, delicate cocoon, but her spirit is manifested metallic elements. Her spirituality is dying, but pereozhdaetsya in protest, like a phoenix.
The winners got super prizes from the general sponsor - the company ESTEL Professional, prizes from sponsors of Euro SO CUP and the company "Kantsol", as well as books on modeling and magazine subscriptions from sewing "EDIPRESSE-KONLIGA."
In addition, Matthew and Anna Pisarev (Omsk) received a special People's Choice Award from the information partner who presented T. Ponomarenko - editor in chief of TV channel "Interesting TV", and a special prize from the head of the business program of the exhibition-fair "Textillegprom" and competitions "Exercise" and "Russian Fashion" B. Tugovaya. Another special prize awarded Tugova B. A. Bulatova for the song "Hourglass". An additional prize for the creativity and quality of performance of the textile company "Solstudio" was N. Okishev model for "Phoenix Bird". The special prize from T \ to the "Interesting TV" received and model Anastasia Grigorieva, display kit for girls from designer from Yaroslavl S. Epifanovskoy.

Dress "Trip to Athens" is decorated with elements in the technique of wet felting. Simple, flying silhouette dresses inspired by the ancient Greek motifs. For the model used silk, hand-painted imitating the technique Shibori, chiffon with a gradient stretching and felting wool Australian merino sheep, and fiber silk, linen and viscose. It is an ethnic and at the same time aristocratic image of a woman-Queen, the Goddess of Women and the ruler of some ancient and forgotten country. Golden ocher gamma dress tells of a distant, sun-drenched country with golden sand dunes. It is supposed bright enough, Arabic (?) Make-up with emphasis on the eyes. Make-up in a warm palette. Hairstyle: braids, plaits, raised his head (at the high collar dress), this royal hairstyle may freely decaying strands left front.
As part of the Super Final it was awarded the winner of the contest, which is held during the anniversary year on the pages of the magazine "Sewing and cutting." Chief editor Kostenko presented a sewing machine and a set of threads from "GELA" female reader Marina Matveeva of Kanash, Chuvashia. Marina has been specially invited to the publishing house is a triumph - so were marked high level of performance products that Marina sews on the patterns of the magazine for himself and his daughter, as well as excellent taste shown by the preparation of tender shoots.
During birthday "stylish hairstyles" the presentation of the magazine, which is the lottery segment of publications about hair and hairstyles. The celebration was held a charity auction, which resulted in proceeds from the sale of designer handbags and garments created by the participants of the Super Final, were transferred here as representative of the Fund "Volunteers to help orphans" Anna Vinogradova. The most active participants of the auction were the representatives of the magazine Art Coiffure & Style, Company, GK "The Constant", LLC "Ital Professor." The organizers are especially grateful V.Tarasovu and P.Bobru of LLC "Estel Center" for the help in the organization of the competition and active participation in a charity auction.

Oliya Galeeva - a set of three suits.
Holiday guests congratulated the magazine with their performances composers and performers Legostaev Constantine, Anna Herzen and singer Rene.
At the end of the finals in the magazines "Chic», «Diana Moden», «The stylish hairstyles", "Knit your hobby," "Lena. Crafts »,« Knit & Mode », the special issue of" Sabrina "," Knitting for children "will be published photo essays, the best models are considered as candidates for the magazine photo shoot," most. "

The category "Students of professional schools" - Julia Novozhilova (Nizhny Novgorod), a set of "neformalki"
Information partners of the event: the TV channel "Interesting TV" company Red Media, the program "Embassy of beauty" on t \ to the "U", the portal about fashion Modanews.ru, site modnoerukodelie.ru, group projects MediaFort myJane.ru, myJulia.ru, myCharm .ru, a portal for fashionable and stylish Relook.ru, and wellness portal Diets.ru and needlework Community Hobbyportal.ru, Journal of Art Coiffure and Style.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova