What is the Fall? It is the sky ...
A more clear air and low clouds bizarre shapes, bright leaves; drizzling rain, or more gentle sun. And romantic walks in autumn avenues, parks and squares; in the company of friends, loved one or poetry alone.
And, of course, in a duet with a bag. What bags in store for your autumn leaves with which you combine them and how to choose? Show your autumn image, which certainly added to her handbag, and win one of three great prizes and stylish from a network of salons of Italian handbags and accessories DOMANI.
The participant whose image, complete with bag, pick up the maximum number of votes in the user voting will receive a beautiful clutch color of coffee with milk.

Autumn image of the style which will assess the administration of the project Relook.ru, will bring its owner a prize in the form of a black clutch of the original form.

And the party, which will mark the image and choose the sponsors of the competition, representatives of the network of salons of Italian handbags DOMANI, becomes the owner of a stylish black and white clutch with print and bright charm.

In order to participate and win the competition, it is necessary, in the period from 17 September to 9 October 2012, to place in a competitive photo album
"My Autumn Bag"
from one to five of your photos. The main requirement - it is autumn, you, your image and your handbag.
Shooting can be performed on the professional equipment and an amateur, right up to mobile phone cameras. However, it is important that the picture quality was decent - a clear image, pure color, of sufficient size.
Read the rules of the contest, take part and win a prize from DOMANI & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova