There are pills that make the effect of Botox for longer
 The American company Eden Aesthetics produces tablets that can extend the injections of Botox at 25%. The results are confirmed by research.

Tablets are called Zytaze. Their main components - zinc, as well as phytase, a substance that increases the absorption of Zinc.

To work effectively, botulinum toxins should be found in the tissues of human zinc and contact him. The less zinc in the tissues - the less the effect of Botox.

It would seem as if the zinc is needed, it should be added to the injections themselves. However, it is proved that the zinc in the form of additives are much more effective, and supplied with the injection, almost useless.

Company Eden Aesthetics conducted studies, which resulted in found that if you take pills Zytaze 4 days before the Botox, the duration of injection is increased by 25%, and the results have been better "injections of youth."

Author: Julia Gnedina