New natural way to lighten hair
 This method today wrote portal Previously we only knew about the so-called method of Claudia Schiffer, when the hair were clarified under the sun with the help of lemon juice, but now there's another recipe - a natural, affordable and caring.

The new solar highlighting need:
- A quarter cup of honey
- 2-3 tablespoons of distilled water
- 2 tablespoons olive oil

In a large bowl, combine the honey and water, then add the olive oil. Apply the mask to dry hair for 30 minutes before sun exposure. Then you can go to the beach.

Honey will act as a lightening ingredient (proved that honey contains components that act as natural hydrogen peroxide), and olive oil will moisturize your hair and protect from ultraviolet radiation due to the content of polyphenols in it.

Arriving home, rinse your hair. And once a week apple vinegar rinse, removing the remnants of the mask and giving shine.

Try and write us about their results!

Author: Julia Gnedina