If there is no time or opportunity to wash your hair
 Let's face it - not all and not always find time to wash my hair. There are times when there is no possibility. A walk with dirty hair nobody wants, and it looks horrible. Thus, it may be possible to do the dirty hair is clean in appearance?

1 way. Accessories.   Dirty hair can be hidden under a bandana, handkerchief or scarf. Each accessory in the hair (hairpin, ribbons, bows) gives charm and style, no one will notice that you have dirty hair.

2 method. Remove hair.   This advice to owners of long hair. Just put it in a braid or tail hair will never be given that they are not washed. Watch, it's true!

3 method. Dry cleaning . It is better, if your holdings will dry shampoo. But if not, then you can use, for example, corn starch. Just apply a little on your hair, it will absorb oil, grease and dirt, then carefully comb the hair. All - you are ready for any important event. Another nuance. If you are the owner of blond hair, you can safely use talc and children, and flour as a dry shampoo. But if the hair is dark, these folk remedies will not work, their remains will still be visible on the hair for brunettes - only quality dry shampoo manufacturing.

Author: Julia Gnedina