Shampoo tar, mud and even with activated carbon ...
 It is no secret that well-kept, lush, glossy hair - one of the finest tools of seduction, which women were able to use more BC. We knew how and our grandmothers. We can learn this and we, as the arsenal of cosmetic products for hair care is huge and most importantly - make the right choice, be patient and act consistently.

We recommend "make friends" with shampoos "formula of transformation." Palette shampoos are not just rich, but interesting. For example, a shampoo with activated carbon with peeling effect. Unusually?
 Shampoo tar, mud and even with activated carbon ...
Or Mud Shampoo with Dead Sea mineral mud, which the manufacturers brought from Jordan or shampoo with birch tar - Tar, incidentally, is very popular in recent years. Easy combing and styling flawless after using these shampoos are guaranteed.
 Shampoo tar, mud and even with activated carbon ...

And here you can try this "couple": strengthening shampoo with buttermilk and burdock oil and rinse conditioner with a protein (wheat protein extract natural) and hops.
 Shampoo tar, mud and even with activated carbon ...

Of course, our grandmothers knew nothing of the essential amino acids, whey antimicrobial agents that are useful for scalp and biocomponents burdock oil, moisturizing and smoothing the hair, they are simply brilliant result achieved by using these natural products. Shampoo improves hair structure, strengthens the roots, restores hair vitality, elasticity and shine thanks to these components. It is also important that you can use this shampoo every day, if necessary, without thinking about what you "desiccate" hair, because after you wash your hair inflict air conditioning, which has a hop extract. That he was "in charge" of water-lipid balance of the scalp. A protein that entered into the unit, "podremontiruet" hair: smooths scales to fill the void, to restore the structure of hair over the entire length of the Vedas protein - it's just a storehouse of nutrients.

Author: myCharm: Julia Gnedina