Caucasian beauty prescription
 Kefir - a unique dairy product, which is considered a gift from heaven Caucasian people - an excellent multifunctional cosmetic.

Kefir has long been justly considered a drink of health and vigor. Homeland yogurt is considered the northern slope of the Caucasus mountain range, where different tribes it exists under different names: kafir, caps, khagu, chyppe and many others. Among the Caucasian peoples, there are many legends about kefir, its origin and propagation. Kefir fungi previously called kefir grains. They are small lumps of various shapes, grayish yellow. Highlanders these grains called "millet Prophet" and attributed to them divine origin.

According to one legend, in the golden age of kefir grains Allah gave pious man of the tribe and Karachai taught the elders with these grains is made from milk drink, the use of which eliminates the disease and longstanding promises life. Thus Allah willed these grains only honest and truthful nature of Karachai and forbidden to sell or give them to other families, especially people of other faiths. Violation of the ban threatens that fungus will die - and yogurt degenerate. Get kefir grains so even mountaineers of the North Caucasus was extremely difficult.

Meanwhile, the glory of a wonderful fermented milk product spread far beyond the Caucasus. The first scientific description of yogurt as a therapeutic and dietary beverage appeared in 1867 in one of the Russian medical journals. And in 1907 molokozavodchik Balandin up production of yogurt in Russia. But no one can say exactly how he turned out to be the secret kefir grains.

The chemical composition of yogurt

The chemical composition of yogurt is unique

- Water - 88, 3%

- Protein - 2, 8%

- Fat - 3, 2%

  - Carbohydrates - 4, 1%

- Organic acid - 0 9%

- Ash - 0 7%

- Vitamins A, carotene, B1, B2, PP, C.

"Homemade yogurt"

For home kefir must take cooled to room temperature (20 ° C), pasteurized or boiled milk, pour it into glasses or cups with a volume of 100 g, added to each dish (glass) in two teaspoons of yogurt bought in a store. Thus prepared milk should be put in a warm place and maintain one, two, three days, depending on what kind of yogurt you want. In the following days to ferment yogurt can be used a new you have already received yogurt. However, after 7-10 days the "leaven" must be changed, as the fungi grow old. Therefore in 7-10 days as a leaven again have to use yogurt, bought in the store.

If you have oily skin

Masks from the yogurt increases the skin's resistance to infection, clean it well and bleach.

- Mix 2 tablespoons Nightingale yogurt with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply mask on the face with a thick layer, after 20 minutes rinse with cool water.

- Beat the egg whites, add the 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of yogurt. If the mass is turned too liquid, then it is possible to add oat bran or almonds. Apply a thin layer of skin mask, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips. Keep it should be 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

- Take 1 teaspoon of sage and 1 teaspoon chamomile, pour a mixture of herbs half cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. 3 tablespoons of broth, mix with the same amount of yogurt and 3 tablespoons of rice flour. Thoroughly mix all and apply to clean skin. Keep the mask should be 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

- Halved cucumber grate, mix with yogurt, turned to mush, and apply a thin layer on the skin. Keep the mask should be 15-20 minutes. Remove this mask better by means of serum.

- Half of the beam parsley minced, add 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of bran and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. The mixture was applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

If you have dry or normal skin

For dry skin, it is important not only moisture, but also to mitigate it with oils. Therefore, when you prepare a mask of yogurt, do not forget to add her favorite vegetable oil.

- Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, add half the whipped egg yolk. Stir mixture thoroughly and put on clean face with a thin layer. Do not forget about your neck - it also needs nutrition. Wash off the mask can be 20 minutes of warm milk.

- Universal mask can be made from cottage cheese, yogurt, olive oil and carrot juice. Mix all the ingredients in equal parts, a good pound into a homogeneous mass and apply on the face, except, of course, the skin around the eyes and lips. Then, after 20 minutes, half a minute to attach a face cloth soaked in warm water and rinse.

- Mix thoroughly and rub half a teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of fresh cream, 1 teaspoon of yogurt or milk. Apply on the face, hold for 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water.

- 5 tablespoons of green tea pulverized in a mortar or coffee grinder, add 3 tablespoons of buttermilk, mix well and applied to the prepared slurry on the face. After 15 minutes, rinsed mask with warm water.

Kefir hair

Caucasian women have always been famous thick, shiny and strong hair. The secret of the strength and density of their locks is simple: beauty rinsed before washing their fermented milk products - mare's milk, kefir or yoghurt.

- Apply to the hair kefir, rubbing the liquid into the hair roots. Tie head with plastic wrap and top-towel. After 15 minutes rinse head 20 with warm water and a mild shampoo.

- A piece of yeast pour 1/4 Art. yogurt (for oily hair -
low-fat yogurt, dry - fat). Stir, put in a warm place to ferment. Keep your head for 30 minutes, rinse shampoo.

Council.   In order to avoid later from the hair of a specific smell of sour milk, you need to slightly warmed normal yogurt add a few drops (5-10) of your favorite essential oil.

Kefir SPA procedures

- Moisten rigid mitten in warm yogurt and rub the body in a circular motion. After this massage improves blood circulation, the skin is actively supplied with oxygen and is saturated with active ingredients of yogurt. After the procedure, take a warm shower.

- From a few spoonfuls of yogurt and salt finely ground can prepare an excellent salt scrub. Regularly rub the skin scrub -and so will see what it will become silky. After that the body should be rinsed with warm water, pat dry with a towel and apply to the skin nourishing cream. If it is very sensitive, instead of salt can take oat bran or almonds.

-Very Useful for hands and feet warm baths of whey. Serum is obtained from yogurt by heating and straining. In heated to 45 degrees serum place hands or feet sit for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the arm or leg from whey, blot with a towel and brush with cream.

Kefir diet

Kefir diet is designed for excess weight loss of up to 5 kg. There are a few kefir diet options, choose the one that suits your taste, as a result of them the same.

"Kefir" option 1.   1, 5 liters of nonfat yogurt without sugar drink five or six methods at regular intervals. The duration of such a diet - 3 days.

"Kefir" option 2.   1, 5 liters of sugar free yogurt, 0, 5 - 1 kg. sweet fruits and vegetables. Kefir should drink six receptions at regular intervals. Fruits and vegetables are consumed within an hour after ingestion of kefir. The duration of such a diet - 3 days.

"Kefir" option 3.   the first three days pitobezzhirenny kefir 1 - 1, 5 liters. a day, after 3 days of apples 1 - 1, 5 kg per day over the next three days yogurt. The duration of the diet - 9 days.

Kefir diet do not get carried away, it is recommended to repeat the diet about once every two months.

In general, if you want to have beautiful hair, skin and figure, let the refrigerator will always pack of yogurt!
Author: Inna Sedykh