As the leaves fall off, the trunks of old birches with cracks can be seen dark growths of irregular shape. This Chaga or birch mushroom. Botanists it is known as tinder kosotrubchaty.
- A parasitic fungus from the family trutovikovye.
The spores of the fungus penetrates into the wood at the site of injury and begin to crust gradually destroy it.
Spherical shape growths are locally felled branches, the remaining growths have the wrong shape and bumpy surface. They are of a thickness of 10 to 15 cm and 35-40 cm in length.
The tree, of course, some disadvantages of the fungus, but people, this fungus great benefit. About the medicinal properties of the fungus known in ancient times. Methods of application are described in the works of the famous medieval physician Abu Ali Ibn Sina.
In Russian chronicles the XI century. explains that using broth fungus healed from cancer lips Grand Prince Vladimir Monomakh.
In the XVI century the peoples of Siberia believed birch mushroom panaceas almost all serious diseases. He was treated with a decoction of the disease of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and intestines. Boil in the form of lotions applied to boils, rubbed aching joints.
In the XVIII century Russian Travnik found a birch mushroom recipes treatment of oncology and gastrointestinal diseases.
But apart from the treatment of diseases, Chaga widely and very effectively used in cosmetics.

If spider veins on the face
Grind a piece of fungus, 1 dessert spoon pour 1/4 cup of warm water, stir well and infuse for 1 hour, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato starch, stir, put between layers of gauze and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Lotion for sensitive skin fungus
1 teaspoon of dry powder fungus mixed with 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers and 1 teaspoon sage grass mix well and pour 1 incomplete (to kaёmki) cup of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos half an hour, drain, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Wipe clean skin prone to irritation in the morning and evening.
Tonic for oily skin
1 tbsp. a spoonful of shredded birch fungus pour 1 cup of hot water and insist in a thermos overnight. Strain, add 1 tbsp. spoonful of eau de cologne and 1 drop (not more!) tea tree essential oil and mix.
Wipe face in the morning and evening.

The mask for dry skin
2 tbsp. a spoonful of minced mushroom pour 1/4 cup of hot water, but not boiling water, leave for 1 hour to cool, add 1 chicken yolk and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, stir and spread on the face for 15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water, wash with cool.
Chagoy Cream for aging skin
2 tbsp. spoon infusion of fungus mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 50 g of almond oil, lanolin, 60 g of water.
Honey warmed in a water bath, add and dissolve the lanolin, almond oil to enter. Cool, beaten, used as a night cream, store in the refrigerator.
1 tbsp. fungus spoon sugar and 1 cup hot water, insisting 6-8 hours. Strain, rub into the hair roots and well moisten all the locks, put on plastic cap. Wash off after 40 minutes infusion of warm water.

Mask for strengthening and growth of hair
2 tbsp. spoon broth fungus mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh onion juice and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Stir well, rub into the roots of the hair, put on plastic cap, wrap a towel on top. After half an hour to wash shampoo.
Bath with chagoy invigorating and toning
Mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed birch mushroom with 1 tbsp. spoon fruits of fennel, 1 tbsp. spoon herb Viola tricolor and 1 tbsp. spoon birch leaves. Pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Cool, strain, pour into the tub with the water temperature + 37C.
While taking a bath for 15 minutes, the heart area should not be submerged in water.
When using bath 1 again for six weeks significantly rejuvenate the skin.

Legendary black soap from "Grandma Agafia" made on the basis of the fungus.