Youth ... this is the best period in our lives. Young, we rarely think about the fact that the time passes quickly, and left the young, we will be very different. But we always want to be beautiful, despite his age. Therefore, since ancient times, people shared tips and folk remedies how to keep youth and beauty. I invite the reader to become acquainted with recipes that are easy to implement at home, spending a minimum of time.
People cosmetics
The first thing that draws the attention of a man when you look at a woman, it is her face. It is important to make it look young and fit. To do this, I recommend such a mask:
1. Take one teaspoon of starch and one banana, peeled, mix. Apply on the face and decollete for 20 minutes, wait until the mask does not dry up, then wash off.
2. Mix one lemon, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of white clay, put on 20 minutes on the face. As a result, toning and moisturizing the skin, white clay, in turn, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and are therefore widely used in cosmetics. After this procedure may redness, but it easily runs using any lotions.
3. Take one egg white (it tightens pores and tightens the skin), one teaspoon of lemon juice and baby talc, and add a few drops of menthol oil. Also leave for 20 minutes. This mask is good eliminates signs of fatigue on the face. These masks are not worth doing at the same time it can be alternated with intervals every four days.
4. But wrinkles, recently scientists have found a good effect has the usual cheese. We grind it to a very fine grater. Mix in a ratio of one to one, with cream (it is possible to take the liquid cream). Apply on face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the first treatment immediately visible change on the face, it becomes elastic, velvety, acquires a beautiful color. The mask can be done on a daily basis, in a way smoothed wrinkles.
5. The final recipe: Scrub cellulite. On an issue like excess fat, almost every woman faces. Take half a cup of sea salt and sugar, 4 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (preferably olive) and 5 drops of orange oil (if not, it is possible to do without it). Mix, pour in the palm and rub the problem areas from the bottom up. We perform this procedure 2 times a week after a contrast shower. Well wash off and rub the body nourishing cream.

Foods that rejuvenate
Just how beautiful we look, as determined by what we eat. For example, excessive consumption of coffee constricts blood vessels clogged body waste substances, which leads to various diseases, including aging. Much more useful to drink tea on the basis of different berries and green tea. Last is the best source of antioxidants, vitamins B, C, K, P, PP. It also quenches thirst better than water, reduces stress, increases brain activity, tones, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the hair, gums, teeth, nails, improves the immune system and reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.
The second important drink for rejuvenation is a normal cow's milk. It is suitable for all skin types. Even Cleopatra took milk baths several times a day. It moisturizes. And even despite the fact that milk is fat (just so it is even more healing because it contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K), people living in the village, do not use cosmetics from the store, but only milk and its products . And, in any case, it does not boil!
The secret of Cleopatra
You can make a normal bath, add the 2 liters of milk, 2-3 tablespoons of honey and 1-2 tablespoons of almond oil. Treatment time 20 minutes. After the rinse, wet skin with a towel. Such a milk bath is useful for dry skin, it makes it more tender, relieves itching.
But every day eating almonds, carrots, tomatoes, dark chocolate can easily improve the condition of their skin. Almonds contain vitamin E, which is responsible for the condition of the skin, and is an antioxidant that prevents aging of the organism and protects against UV rays. Carrots contain vitamin A, which also prevents skin aging and prevents over-grow the cells in the upper layers of the epidermis. Tomato also contains lycopene, which protects the skin from various negative impacts, improves its elasticity and prevents aging. But the sweet tooth will have to taste dark chocolate, it smoothes the skin and protects against UV rays.

Beauty Rules
Here are a few tips on how to prolong their youth:
1. Digestion.
Gastrointestinal tract must be in perfect order, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, cook them in salads and eat cereal. Also useful chamomile tea, it gives young skin, drink it in the morning. But do not forget about the ordinary water - it cleanses the body from any harmful substances, drink about 2 liters per day.
2. Sleep.
Insomnia or lack of sleep - is the number one enemy for skin and hair. The optimal time for healthy sleep - go to bed at 9-10 pm and wake up early in the morning.
3. Fresh air.
There is nothing more useful to walk, it gives energy. A man needs 30 cubic meters of fresh air. This is a true oxygen cocktail that young.
4. Vitamins.
Eat them as much as possible, eat breakfast porridge, winter dried fruit, drink fruit drinks and tea from the hips (he storehouse of vitamins).
5. The inner attitude.
The secret to beauty is to avoid negativity in your life. Joke, laugh, enjoy your life, doing things you love, be kind and eternal youth is guaranteed even without plastic surgery!