We are always somewhere in a hurry, in a hurry, sometimes do not have time to visit the beauty salon. It happens that in the care of their appearance is 10 minutes a day. Search Minerals creams and lotions also requires time and costs, and then comes to the rescue People cosmetology. It is much easier to use something that is always at hand: a minimum of cost and time savings! We offer you a homemade beauty recipes with which you can easily and quickly cook wonderful beauty products
For face
Rub castor oil skin around the eyes. It softens and smoothes out wrinkles.
Honey also helps fight wrinkles. It should apply a thin layer on the skin in places of their formation. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. If the honey is put under the eyes, it is necessary to wash it off after 10 minutes. Then wipe the face with ice cubes.
If you have dry skin, you can make a mask of fresh juice of sea buckthorn: take 1, 5, Art. tablespoons juice and evenly on the face. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
As the wetting agent may be used jojoba. Dilute with water and applied to the skin. Support for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Grate an apple, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and mix. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask should be done twice a week, then disappear from the face of pimples and skin becomes radiant, supple and healthy.
To improve the color of acne and help 1 tsp. Fine white salt, 3 tsp. Of hot water (not boiling water) and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Dissolve the salt in water and mixed with honey to a uniform consistency. Apply by massaging gently, avoiding the eye and lip areas. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes. If its only cause acne, it is possible to keep longer and - 30 - 40 minutes, and left overnight.
Morning and evening is useful to wipe the face of green or black tea, prepared with mineral water sweetened with a piece of sugar. Suitable for all skin types, it cleans.
Remarkable cleaning properties has a mask of whipped egg white and lemon juice (0, 5 tsp.). Apply on the face, hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon well chopped oatmeal, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of homemade yogurt (it is in any case should not be artificial flavors and all sorts of harmful additives), and a few drops of warm honey (not to drown, to heat a spoon in a water bath, and then dial it honey). Apply on the face, hold 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wipe the face with a towel, apply a moisturizing cream. This mask rejuvenates and cleanses the skin.
Instead of powder, you can use an ordinary potato starch, the main thing - do not overdo it.
Drinking tea of mint make the skin healthy and fresh.
For a rejuvenating facial massage makes silver spoons. If there are none, the suit and the usual. Dip a spoon into the broth (you can in a single broth) from any of the herbs (mint, chamomile, nettle, dandelion, etc.) or green tea.
Then pat spoons on the face, following the special massage lines. This is best done in the morning, after cleaning the skin and brushing her moisturizer. Compulsory clockwise movement must be carried out with strong pressure, but in reverse - light stroking to maintain proper blood circulation and prevent run-off.
At an allergy help lotion made from fresh juice of Kalanchoe.

For body
As a home remedy for peeling using coffee grounds. It cleanses the skin, making it smoother and removes cellulite. The coffee is easy to be able to collect the right amount of grounds.
Take 1 cup of coffee ground asleep, half a cup of yogurt, 1 tbsp. spoon of dried ginger, 1 tsp. cinnamon. All mix, apply in a circular motion from the ankles to the waist. Rub and massage the skin for 5 minutes. This procedure can be done every day before the application of anti-cellulite agents, and for the prevention - 2 times a week.
But those who have stretch marks on my stomach after giving birth, you should lubricate the skin cocoa butter.
Next mask attached to his stomach elasticity, nourishes the skin with oxygen, it tightens and improves circulation. Take 2 tbsp. spoon acacia honey (if not, can be both), 15 grams of dry baker's yeast, 3 drops of oil of geranium and grapefruit. Mix everything. Apply to the abdomen, cover with foil, wrapped with a blanket to keep warm. Hold 20 minutes. Then rinse with water without soap.
Excellent body scrub of one ripe avocado, 4 tbsp. spoonfuls of almond and 6 tablespoons. spoons of oatmeal. Avocado Peel and mash to make of it, grind the almonds in a coffee grinder, grind the cereal. Wear suitable mitten on the hand that obmoknut puree, almonds and cereal. Rub the mixture into the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The skin is cleansed, becomes moist, it aligned its color, improves cell turgor. Avocado contains vitamin E, it restores collagen. Almond removes dead cells, nourishes and softens the skin.
Cream-balm for skin nutrition. Take 1 tbsp. spoon calendula oil, 1 tbsp. sesame oil, 1 tbsp. spoonful of coconut oil, 50 grams of cocoa butter, 10 g of beeswax and 10 drops of chamomile essential oil (or other). Prepared as follows: oil and beeswax to melt in a water bath until smooth. Cool, stirring or put in cold water. Add essential oil. Pour into a sterilized glass jar. Store in a cool, dark place.
This cream is good to use when irritated skin, as well as to soften and moisturize the skin after sunburn. It promotes healing of abrasions and eliminate rashes. It makes the skin soft and velvety.