Autumn gifts
 That autumn. I love this time of year. It calms me down. The last warm days are reminiscent of last summer, and rain, or rather, their views and noise comfort. But in the fall, it is not only a kind of relaxation, but it is also a chance to pamper yourself and the outside and the inside.

The abundance of cheap seasonal fruits and vegetables pleases and excites the imagination. But since I am a resident of rural areas, it was mostly all the vegetables I take from his garden. Yet for a variety of citizens holds that, in general, not very pretty penny in the autumn.

And now get to the point. Over the summer, of course, we are all prettier and caught fire, but the intense heat a serious blow to the immune system. Throughout the fall and even winter I really enjoy cooking pumpkin . About her already so many things written that repeated do not want to, but submit for your review a very useful and no complicated recipe that is not only delicious, but also perfectly enhances immunity, normalizes the intestine, and thus makes us not only healthy, but and beautiful:

Take the average pumpkin (1, 5 - 2 kg), cut the cap and clean out the seeds. Inside of the pot put the following mixture: a cup of rice, boiled until half ready, mix with a handful of washed raisins (you can also add a handful of chopped dried apricots), and a handful of chopped nuts (then a matter of taste, it is better to take hazelnuts or walnuts, although almonds will be good). Filled pot put on half an hour in the oven. When the dish is ready, before serving his season with a tablespoon of honey (if not allergic, if there is - it is better to eat without a filling).

 Autumn gifts

Availability sink   autumn pleases the skin of my girlfriends. I myself do not really like the sink and I believe that both the food and in cosmetics should be guided by the rule, if you like, you can - if not, it is better not to risk it. Leather is one of the most important human organs, should not be a guinea pig, if you are not sure of the vehicle. You will not eat something you hate, knowing that your intestines sure you respond unkindly?

To prepare the mask of plums, take three - four berries, remove the peel and remove the pits; mash the pulp with a spoon, add a little honey or oil (olive or sunflower oil can, it all depends on skin type, do not forget about the existence of flax, corn, etc.). This masochka nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

I worked a long time with a very nice woman. Tatiana in his fifty-five on so much and did not look, and most importantly - it does not concealed their beauty recipes. At the heart of its main diet was rice . This diet she started to use from the start of autumn until spring. Since the summer of our body already in suspense, from weather changes, the scorching sun, smog and the like; it is better not to strain even more, otherwise the result can not be predicted.

Every day in the morning she ate a spoonful of boiled rice without salt on an empty stomach, and before leaving the house to drink a glass of warm water and could have breakfast something easy. Then, an hour before bedtime, she would eat again svezheotvarennogo spoon rice with cooked apples or pears, all washed down with a decoction of these fruits without sugar. In general, rice has the ability to pull the body of excess salt, and cooked apples and pears improve digestion because they contain pectin.

Carrots   abused I do not recommend, since carotene is only useful in small doses, the researchers argue that large - it is toxic to our body. Their Western counterparts warn that harmful often drink fruit fresh juices as well as fructose very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Perhaps this is why fans of "svezhachka" more likely to suffer from diabetes. And in our country, such freshly squeezed juices are particularly relevant in the autumn. So keep that in mind.

 Autumn gifts

As a family we collect late varieties of apples   and ... zasushivat them. Dried fruit is not only fruit drinks and cakes, as well as a great snack. I often stay up late, and if the dinner was at seven in the evening, then in the stomach asks eleven warp beam portions of food. A handful of dried apples or pears fits perfectly: and few calories and use more than a cup of coffee (tea) with biscuits or a sandwich. Dried fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that we need, especially in autumn and winter. But they do not abuse it dry. As the saying goes, a good little by little.

In autumn, after the first frost, I still collect rowan   and lay still on paper (baking) in the cage (you can on the balcony), they can be and to dry. These miracle berries are also added to the compote with dried fruit, and even I add them to the water for rinsing in the bath. Two handfuls of berries a little steamed in hot water (not boiling) and then diluted with water to the desired temperature, and taken out the berries, add up to a gauze bag and warm up. Bag with mashed berries is put back into the water.

 Autumn gifts

Enjoy your fall!
Author: Nadezhda Lobanova