Dedicated to the goddess Salus
 Ancient Roman legend says that in ancient Rome lived a woman named Ksantiya, she really wanted to have children, but they still did not appear. And every evening Ksantiya appealed to the goddess Salus health and well-being, begging her to send her son or daughter.

Xanthi Goddess heard prayers and responded to her request.

One night Ksantiya had a dream - it goes up the hill and collect leaves and purple flowers with small shrubs. Waking up early in the morning, Xanten once dreamed she went to look for shrub and immediately found it. It was a sage.

Woman prepare a decoction of herbs, sent her a goddess Salus, and after nine months gave birth to a long-awaited baby. Since then, the sage became a plant dedicated to the goddess Salus, and one of the major sacrifices to her.

Sage - Salvia L.   - Grass, shrub or shrub of the family Labiatae. There are many sages, but more often in medicinal and cosmetic purposes are used Salvia officinalis - Salvia officinalis L   - Perennial shrub up to 50-70cm.

In some branched shrub, much leafy, dereveneyuschih at the base of the stems. The leaves are gray-green, oblong, with reticulate venation, with long petioles. Blue-purple flowers on short stalks, gathered in spicate inflorescence at the ends of branches.

 Dedicated to the goddess Salus
   Sage is a beautiful honey plant, its flowers are filled with a sweet fragrant nectar. All plant smells good, too. Sage blooms in June - July.

Homeland sage believe Asia Minor, where it grows on dry hillsides. Gradually sage spread throughout the Mediterranean and the Balkans. Cultivated in many countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union in the Crimea, Ukraine, Moldova and the North Caucasus.

For medicinal purposes   sage leaves harvested during the summer. Sage leaves containing: vitamin E, essential oil, ursolic and oleanolic acids, tannins, resins, flavonoids, acacia, starch, alkaloids. In fresh sage leaves contain a large number of volatile production, so they have a strong bactericidal action.

More often in modern medicine sage administered in inflammatory diseases oral mucosa as a rinse for inflammation and in other places in the form of irrigation, washings turundae applications and for the treatment of wounds and fistulas.

In folk medicine,   Sage appointed interior with gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, enterocolitis, bronchitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, hypothyroidism, Shaking Palsy, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, intervertebral osteochondrosis, infertility, with menopause, obesity, diabetes and the elderly general weakness.

- Infusion.   1st. tablespoons dried minced raw pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse for 1 hour, drain, cool, take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Sage is considered effective in folk cosmetics .

- Lotion to cleanse the skin.   1 tbsp. spoon of dried sage leaves pour 1 cup of boiled water, in a thermos overnight, drain, cool, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vodka, stir. Keep refrigerated. Wipe clean skin morning and evening.

- Mask porous, flabby skin . 2 teaspoons chopped sage leaves pour 1 cup boiling water and put on half an hour on a hot water bath. Cool, strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Soak in the liquid a small towel and put on the skin. Top to cover the face dry with a towel. After 15- 20 minutes wash water at room temperature and apply a moisturizer. This broth can be cleaned with a neck and neck for the elasticity and tone.

- Bath with sage   perfectly cleanses, soothes the skin and gives it elasticity. A handful of dried sage leaves pour 1 liter of water, boil for an hour on low heat, insist night, drain, add to the bath. The temperature of the water bath should not exceed + 38C. Particularly useful such baths in hot weather. If you make it through the course of the day in the bath 21, is markedly reduced sweating.

- To strengthen the hair, get rid of dandruff and give your hair a beautiful silky tone.   100 gr. sage leaf brew 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos and insist the whole night. Strain broth rinse hair and allow to dry them naturally. After several rinsing you will be pleasantly surprised. The effect is amplified if the hair is not pressing, but at least half an hour to hold a wet towel, then allow to dry.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva