"On her singing poets of all ages,
There is nothing in the world more tender and more beautiful,
Why is this the roll of red petals,
Discloses a fragrant cup. "
It's hard not to admire the roses and love them. Roses are devoted to poetry, tales and legends of almost all nations of the world. For example, in Kazakhstan there is a fairy tale:
Rose lived in the country the young singer by the name of Abay-Jan. His songs, as well as the music of Orpheus fascinated by all living things and listened to his people, animals, birds, trees and flowers. Near the yurt Abay-Jana grew a lot of roses. And once at midnight, he heard that he was someone sings. Abay-Jan walked around the garden, but no one was found.
The next night he again heard a beautiful sweet voice, and turning, saw on the threshold of his tent Woman wondrous beauty. She wanted to leave, but Abay-Jan stopped her and asked: "Who are you and how do you know my songs? "
On the girl he replied: "I am one of those roses that grow in your garden, and when the sky will be the dawn, I again turn into a rose."
And when the dawn fell, she asked not to hold it. But Abay-Jan enchanted beauty and asked - how to make sure that they were always together. To which she replied that if in the morning he finds it among the other roses, it will always be a man.
And when the sun rose, Abay-Jan went to the bush roses, which blossomed rose three completely identical, and fear of being wrong, stared at them.
He noticed that one of the roses were not drops of dew, and remembered the words of a girl, that dew fell and it was time to leave.
He pointed to a rose without dew, and immediately showered petals, and before him appeared his overnight guests. So Abay-Jan has found happiness.

And all of us, if desired, with the help of roses can find beauty. It is only necessary to know that
All cosmetic products can be prepared only from local roses
. Stores are crammed with all kinds of imported roses chemistry and can hurt.
The lotion of rose petals
1 tbsp. spoon of dried rose petals pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for half an hour, cool, drain, wipe face in the morning and evening.
You can pour it into molds for ice and freeze.
If you wipe the face of these cubes, the skin is cleansed, acquire smoothness and beautiful natural color.
The mask softening
Dried rose petals turn into powder.
1 teaspoon crushed petals pour 1 tbsp. Spoon the warmed cream and let stand for 10 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well, apply on face for half an hour. Rinse with water at room temperature.
This mask is suitable for neck.

Rejuvenating mask
1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dry petals pour boiling water until a slurry, allow to cool and add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, wash with cool.
Mask for skin smoothness
1 teaspoon crushed dried rose petals pour ΒΌ cup boiling water, cover and infuse for half an hour and saucer, cool, strain.
Pour the infusion part 1 of article. a spoonful of potato starch to obtain a creamy mass. Apply on face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with infusion of the remaining pink and wash two hours.

The mask for dry skin
2 teaspoons of rose infusion mixed with 1 chicken egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey, stir well and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Ideally, wipe the face with ice pink infusion.
But you can just wash with ice or cool water.
Masks for oily skin
Grind 2 tablespoons. tablespoons dried rose petals, brew boiling water so as to obtain a paste, let it stand for 10 minutes, add the chicken protein, mix well and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab dipped in a little warm water. Wipe face with ice.
Roses by distillation of rose oil is obtained - a very valuable product, which is part of the most expensive French perfume and other cosmetics. It is said that first rose oil was a famous Arab physician Avicenna, who lived in the X century.

Now the rose oil is sold in pharmacies and for facial rejuvenation 1 drop of oil can be added to their night creams. With regular use the effect will be noticeable within a month.
2 drops of 1 liter of warm water was added to the water to rinse hair. Hair acquire brilliance and captivating fragrance.
Roses in the composition of cosmetics
1. Cleansing gel-mousse facial Essentielles from VICHY
Means gently washes away makeup, cleanses and tones the skin. Enriched with rose extract polyphenols.

2. Weleda Wild Rose Oil
Revitalizes the skin oil rose Mosketa, provides a unique skin care due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids.

3. Ekstaordinarnaya water rose by Melvita
It rejuvenates the skin, restores skin elasticity, moisturizes and soothes the skin, perfectly prepares the skin for the application of the daily moisturizer.

4. Fragrance Paul Smith Rose
The composition is based on a new flavor varieties of roses that was specifically launched Paul Smith for his wife as a birthday present. Rose was named "Sir Paul Smith".

5. Naturel Soap Palmolive "The feeling of tenderness" with an extract of milk and roses
Milk extract - nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Rose extract - improves skin elasticity.
