Shock treatment
 After I took a bath of chocolate, I realized that it is not only pleasant, helpful, and very tempting. After trying again, it is simply impossible to stop. If we consider that it is not only harmful but also very useful, to give up this habit makes no sense.

About the medicinal properties of chocolate can talk endlessly. The aroma of chocolate relaxes someone, someone tones, and in quality way to get rid of cellulite, not only give the skin elasticity, but also light bronze color.

There are, of course, the temptation is simply to eat it, the pleasure at the same time enormous, but agree, then begin remorse for eating extra calories. For us girls, this is a serious problem, the dependence makes itself felt. I offer an excellent alternative. I plunged into a serious study on the use of chocolate in cosmetic purposes. I want to share with you a small opening, I hope they will be useful.

His search for the beginning of the first among his friends, had ticks elicit information from them - of course, few people will want to share the secrets of its appeal, it was not without the information on the Web, something that I spied in a beauty salon. Okay, I will not torment you more, reveal all the secrets for you.

 Shock treatment
   Let's start with chocolate therapy facials . Not for me to tell you about the types of skin, each of you, and so knows what type of skin it is, so just choose the appropriate mask and take note.

Dry skin   nutritional needs. In this case, we will help the white chocolate and yogurt, but note that this mixture will be applied to the face, but not to eat. I understand, difficult to resist, but it is possible. Reluctantly, melt 2 tablespoons of chocolate. All this with a mixer, mix with yogurt. Yogurt, only one tablespoon, it is desirable that it was not a variety of additives such as fruit pieces, and so on. D. Another point: choosing yogurt, pay attention to the percentage of fat, the higher it is, the better for us. The resulting mixture was put on the face for 15 minutes, then simply wash off. The result - the skin soft, moist and flavorful.

 Shock treatment
   To Oily Skin   We will approach the mask of black chocolate. A tablespoon of melted chocolate mix with fruit and berry puree. For we need mashed apple, red currant, and you can add cherries and cranberries. All this is "refueled" with a teaspoon of lemon juice. After the mixture will taste, and I'm sure that none of us will not hold, not to try to mask the taste, all these goodies put on the face for 10 minutes. Then wash off. Agree nothing complicated, but the result is not long to wait.

 Shock treatment
   To normal and combination skin   I need a mask of black chocolate. Melt 2 tablespoons of the chocolate, add a spoonful of olive oil. On 10 minutes, put on the face, then wash off.

Any of these masks will bring heavenly pleasure, cheer up and improve skin condition.

So, in the face of the order led, let us body.

 Shock treatment

In order for our body looked well maintained, the skin was supple and silky, home conditions are met chocolate wrap . In this case, to a greater extent, we need caffeine, chocolate therefore replace a conventional cocoa powder, since it contains a large amount of cocoa beans. They, in turn, promote lipolysis, and therefore perfectly correct shape. Before starting such a pleasant procedure, it is necessary to purify the body with a scrub, updated cells to better absorb the mixture, wrap will be more effective. To obtain the necessary 200 g of a mixture of cocoa powder, pour boiling water. Thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem areas, wrap with cellophane and enjoy the procedure within 15 minutes, and even better if applied to a loved one, then the procedure will be doubly effective. Wash off. For the greater good of the wrap can cause cellulite cream. If this procedure you enjoy flavorful, it can be carried out 2-3 times a week.

The most important thing - it's positive attitude and faith in the result, then all your expectations are met, and efforts will not pass in vain!
Author: MIRovaya