Milk, according to the Vedic scriptures, the most valuable commodity in the universe, because it contributes to both physical and spiritual development of man.
Milk - a unique product of animal origin. Nature has generously endowed the milk biologically active substances in the most useful and easily digestible for the human combinations. Since ancient times milk has been used in medical and cosmetic purposes. The ancient Egyptians for rejuvenation and health improvement using milk donkeys and scholars of ancient Rome and Greece have recommended the milk of different animals for the treatment of many diseases. On the healing properties of milk referred to the great oriental scientist Avicenna, who advised him to use as milk "brings ugly spots on the skin, and if you drink it regularly, especially with honey or sugar, it improves the complexion." Especially useful it is believed goat and donkey milk.
According to experts, the milk increases resistance and normalizes metabolism.
The chemical composition of milk
• Milk proteins are composed of three basic types: casein (76 - 88%), albumin (12 - 15%), globulin (0, 1%). Milk proteins contain all amino acids necessary for the body, including the 8 essential amino acids that can not be synthesized in the body.
• Milk fat is biologically the most complete and contains all known fatty acids (arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic). Vitamin A and carotene dissolved in fat milk, so they are not available in skim milk. Milk also contains vitamins B, B6, B12, E, K, C, PP, H, folic acid, pantothenic acid, choline.
• Milk sugar, or lactose - the only carbohydrate in milk at 4, 6-5, 2%. Lactose is a member of specific substances - coenzymes are involved in the synthesis of our body proteins, fats, vitamins and enzymes.
• Of the minerals in milk are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, citric acid, hydrochloric acid and others. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are included in bones, teeth, moreover, magnesium effect on the heart, and phosphorus It is part of nervous tissue and brain cells.
• Of the trace elements found in the milk of cobalt, copper, zinc, bromine, manganese, sulfur, fluorine, aluminum, lead, tin, titanium, vanadium, silver and others.
Sheep's milk and a half times more nutritious cow and contains 2-3 times more vitamins A, B2.
Milk intolerance occurs when a lack of lactose enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. This deficiency can be either congenital or acquired (as a result of diseases of the digestive tract or just a long break in the use of milk).
Milk for cosmetic purposes
It is known that the milk used for cosmetic purposes for a long time. The famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra took baths of milk and honey, and Poppaea Sabina, the wife of the Emperor Nero, - bath milk donkeys. Eating milk, the skin becomes smooth, supple, radiant.
Milk and yeast mask
Dilute 40 g of yeast in 1 tablespoon of warm milk and is applied to the skin in 3-4 layers (each layer as the previous drying). After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.
Purifying Mask
Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and seethe in half a glass of milk to the state of porridge. Apply in the form of heat to the face, neck and chest area with a thick layer. Top to hide a towel. Keep the skin until cool. Rinse with warm water.
Nourishing Mask
Take 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice. The components mix well and apply on face. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
Bread mask
With fresh white bread cut crust crumb pour the milk and stir until thick sour cream. Apply to face, neck and chest area. Rinse with cool water after 20 minutes.
Conditioner for hair shine bright
Mix 1/2 cup of milk with the same amount of broth chamomile, add 6 drops of apple cider vinegar. Rinse the mixture washed hair. Wrap with plastic wrap and wrap a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse hair well with water.
Milk Scrub
Take 2-3 tablespoons of finely ground sea salt and fill it with warm milk to form a slurry. Apply to the skin in a circular motion, then rinse with cool water.