In Japan, the old capital of Kyoto is a 15-day 5th of the moon, beginning with the VI festival mallow "Aoi Matsuri." According to legend, this festival is associated with heavy rains, which often go this time of year, causing floods and bring people a lot of troubles. Then the people went to the temple and there turned to the gods with prayer. The gods heard their request and the rains stopped. In gratitude, the people presented as a gift to the gods of Chinese mallow leaves.
And since then, a long time it was thought that leaves mallow have a miraculous power to prevent floods and earthquakes.
In fact mallow was known to the ancient Greeks, who cultivated it and thought it useful and nutritious plant.
Pythagoras even thought mallow plant involved in the divine nature.

- An annual, biennial and perennial plant less of the family Malvaceae up to 2 meters high.
In mallow straight stem, covered with stiff hairs. Large, round, gray-green leaves. The large flowers are very different color from white, pink, lemon to dark burgundy collected in inflorescence - a long spike.
The flowers are pink mallow forest. Garden mallow can be double and semi-double. Hollyhock blooms from late June to September. Fruits - prosvirki dry, breaking up into separate achenes.
Mallow usually sown before winter or seedlings in March, otherwise they will flower until the following year.
Scientists suggest that the mallow are home to the Balkans, Eurasia and North America.
Wild mallow grows almost the entire territory of Russia.

Pliny the Elder wrote:
"Who drinks tea every day from mallow, thereby protecting itself from all random diseases"
In the Middle Ages in Europe mallow used in medicine, cooking. The children enjoyed the sweet Fruitlets it.
Mallow contains vitamins - B, PP, C, carotene, sugar, mucus, tannins, pigments, trace elements - iron, cadmium, zinc ...
The seeds contain a semi-drying oil.
In folk medicine, malva sylvestris is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cystitis, cholecystitis, laryngitis, cough.
Infusion of the dry cough
1 tbsp. spoon mallow flowers brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, take ½ cup 4 times a day between meals.
The same infusion improves during menopause.
Mallow is used from time immemorial in the home cosmetics.
Washing the infusion of mallow
softens, soothes the skin, relieve swelling.
1 tbsp. spoon flowers or mallow leaves pour 1 cup of boiled water, 1 hour, drain. Wash infusion in the morning and evening.

Mask for skin smoothness
1 tbsp. spoon crushed mallow root pour 1 cup of cold water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat, cool. Pour half and add half of the liquid 1 dessert spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon on the coffee grinder crushed flakes, give them swell and apply on face. After 20 - 30 minutes, rinse with the second half of the infusion of mallow.
Rejuvenating mask
Fresh mallow petals pour a small amount of milk, let stand and impose them on the face. After 20 minutes, remove and wash with water at room temperature.
To remove the swelling
fresh white rose mallow, soaked in milk, put on the eyelids, for half an hour.
Hydrating Mask
Grind rose mallow, take 1 tbsp. spoon, mix with 1 tbsp. soft cheese with a spoon and add as much cream as to obtain consistency of sour cream and apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash cool.
For the splendor of their hair and shine
2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped mallow flowers brew 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist 40-50 minutes. Cool, strain and rinse hair after washing.