British experts interviewed 2000 compatriots to find out from them what techniques and beauty recipes they consider the most-most, and what really works. I get a list of fifty points. Want to find out the main beauty secrets of modern British women?
I must say that some recipes Englishwomen us are familiar with. Although there is something new. But the main advantage of these tips from residents of Albion - simplicity and accessibility.
Top 50 most popular Secrets
Beauty has recently been published edition of The Telegraph.
1. Put the cucumber slices on the eyes to refresh them and give a cheerful look.
2. Drink 2 liters of water daily.

3. Apply on pimples toothpaste, so they quickly disappear.
4. Tea bags - a good remedy for tired eyes and swelling in the morning.
5. If your hair is dirty and there is no time to wash the help talc applied to the hair. It acts as a dry shampoo, it is also necessary to comb (Why would our women do not know about this secret? The fact that talc - a typical British product. Before the invention of antiperspirants British women and some Europeans use special talc or baby powder. Some classic British beauty brands still produce talc, but now his greater buy as a souvenir from England).

6. To be soft feet before going to bed to put on foot moisturizer and sleep in socks.
7. natural blush enough to pinch his cheeks.
8. shave your legs efficiently with hair conditioner.
9. Homemade highlighting you can do with lemon juice.
10. It is necessary to drink more milk (Why - is not specified, but likely for bone health and osteoporosis prevention).
11. Soothe the skin from insect bites will help toothpaste.
12. Nail polish is best stored in the refrigerator.
13. Baking soda will make your teeth whiter.
14. groomed eyebrows can use Vaseline.
15. Lipstick instead of blush on the cheeks will create a fresh and harmonious appearance.
16. The final rinse hair after washing - vinegar solution.
17. For fragrance hair comb sprinkle perfume.
18. Fish pedicure (This item is among the British secret little surprised. After all, this procedure is not considered to be completely safe).
19. In order to reduce the swelling under the eyes - to put the cold spoon (preferably pre-spoon put in the refrigerator).
20. Honey - the most simple face mask.
21. Broken nails repaired super-glue, do not cut off or tearing them).
22. Rinse the face with water and a decoction of fresh greens.
23. Smooth curly hair helps Vaseline.

24. Before using eyelash curlers, heat them - so the curl will last longer.
25. Sleep should be on the back to avoid unnecessary wrinkles.
26. Add the sugar to the liquid soap to get the effect of exfoliation.
27. Rinse the hair can be beer.
28. Smooth long hair can be a warm iron (Surprisingly, this is quite a dangerous secret was popular among European women before the invention of special irons and hair straighteners ploek).
29. Lemon juice should be used to whiten fingertips if they were yellow.
30. eyeliner, lipstick and makeup pencils should be kept in the refrigerator.
31. Milk is well softens the skin, it is better to add to the bath or apply directly to the skin.

32. To make the hair shiny, apply a beaten egg, then rinse (Rinse with cool water should only!).
33. To remove traces of tanning with the palms can cause them a whitening toothpaste, tanning traces disappear.
34. A drop of serum for the skin to add to the foundation, then the skin will glow.
35. Massage the face with ice cubes reduces wrinkles and acne.
36. Clock mode of cold air can be directed to the lashes, just covered with ink to ink dried up quickly.
37. Sleep on a silk pillow should be to reduce wrinkles.

38. Tomato Ketchup should be applied to dyed hair to prevent the color change.
39. The best moisturizing hair mask - + Pumpkin coconut oil.
40. Body scrub of coffee helps to exfoliate the skin, cellulite wins.
41. Mask-Scrub for the skin of the body - mashed avocado pulp.
42. To increase the elasticity of the chest and give - help the cold douche.
43. Drop primrose oil can heal a pimple overnight.
44. Reduce redness help antihistamines.
45. Fresh strawberries should mash with a fork and apply on face - removes freckles.
46. Cranberry juice enhances hair shine and strengthens their color.
47. To lipgloss lips increased, add the peppermint oil.
48. Home bleaching facial hair done in the following composition: brewer's yeast + water.
49. "smoky eyes" can make ordinary soot, applied with a brush for make-up (in the UK Is still heat their homes with coal?).
50. Hair styling and texturizing spray can sprinkle them from the usual lemonade. (Russians know this recipe as "sweet water." When in the 80s hairspray was in short supply, Soviet women used the aerodynamic styling of trendy hairstyles sweet little water).