 September 23 Peter and Paul. On this day in Russia celebrated the feast of Autumn Peter-Paul Fieldfare. From that day I began to gather a mountain ash, which became sweeter after the first morning performances.

Putting rowan berries were supposed to leave part of the tree for the birds. Large harvest of mountain ash was considered a frosty winter.

Rowan is often called bitter and not only for the taste of purple berries. One legend says that once lived in the white light of a boy and girl. And they loved each other so much that nothing and no one could separate them, nor the stratospheric wealth, or slander, no betrayal of friends. But one day the young man was attacked and killed a vile enemy directly at the feet of his beloved. The girl turned in desperation to God with a single pleading that he not separate them. And God took pity on the lovers, making Woman in mountain ash. Since then she swings at the grave of a loved one, and mature in autumn its red berries - a symbol of the blood spilled and mutual undying love.

Rowan Common - Sorbus aucuparia   - A deciduous tree, rarely shrub of the family Rosaceae. The root system of mountain ash is close to the surface of the soil. Straight trunk covered with smooth gray bark and reaches a height of 20 meters. Young branches of mountain ash is very fluffy. Leaves are oblong, imparipinnate, usually consist of 11-19 leaves, with sharp teeth at the edges of the spring leaves pubescent below, later glabrous.

   White or pinkish flowers clustered in dense inflorescences 10-11sm umbrellas in diameter. Rowan Blossoms in May - June. In many nectar flowers rowan. The fruit - juicy, globular Apples purple or orange-red color, ripen in September. After first frost fruits of mountain ash lose bitterness and astringency, and become sweet.

For therapeutic purposes,   spring during flowering flowers harvested rowan. The fruits are used mature, collected in September. In fruits of mountain ash contains: vitamins C, P, E, carotene, folic, malic acid, citric acid, essential oil, bitter. nitrogen and tannins, sugars, pigments, alcohol sorbitol, antibacterial substances. In the leaves of mountain ash is very rich in vitamin C and 80-84mg%.

Rowan in Russia has long been considered a valuable medicinal plant.

- From her prepared Ryabinovoye wine and drank it to cure many diseases, evil eye, damage, neurosis, exhaustion.

- A more in various diseases ill thrice creeping through the chopped in half and connected on the edges rowan tree or shrub through Ash.

- Berries are eaten mountain ash to protect themselves from scurvy, anemia, anemia.

- They are administered in diseases kidney, liver, diabetes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids.

- If a pregnant woman eating rowan berries, then it does not happen toxicity.

- Decoction of flowers rowan traditional medicine prescribed for diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, colds, cough, hemorrhoids, female diseases.

- Juice Rowan improves circulation, lowers blood cholesterol levels and strengthens the capillaries.

- In violation of menstrual cycle, with menopause take tincture   of the fruits of mountain ash. 250 gr. fruit sugar and 1 liter of vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain, take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Rowan is not recommended have elevated blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.

   In the kitchen of the rowan make tinctures, cook jam, jellies, marmalades and prepared stuffing for pies.

In cosmetics   rowan successfully used the more old Russian beauty.

- To cleanse the skin .
By 2 tbsp. spoons rowan juice to fill up as much flour to make a thick creamy substance. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Remove the cloth, then wash with warm water, rinse face with cool, best mineral water without gas, and not wipe.

- Mask for oily skin aging .
Squeeze the juice of mountain ash - 2 tbsp. spoon, add 1 beaten chicken protein. If your skin is sensitive, then take 1st. spoonful of juice and 1st. a spoonful of water. Soak the composition of gauze and applied to the face 2 times a week for 15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature. The course of 15 masks.

- For vasoconstriction .
Squeeze the juice of mountain ash, mixed with water 1: 1, pour into molds for ice to put in the freezer. Wipe place to vasodilatation ice pieces 3-4 times per day.

- For mature aging skin .
1 tbsp. Rowan of juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon eau de cologne. Wipe clean skin morning and evening.

- For dry skin .
Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped mountain ash with 1 egg yolk and 1st. dollop of cream. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with a swab dipped in the tea leaves of green tea. Apply nourishing cream.

- For oily hair rinse after shampooing .
2 tbsp. spoon fruits of mountain ash brew in a thermos with 1 liter of boiled water, 1 hour, drain, rinse hair.

Sorcerers say that if in a vase at the head put a sprig of mountain ash with red fruit bunches, love between husband and wife will last until the end of time.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva