Autumn is a good time to do a peeling - that is, removing the surface epithelium, with a view to updating and improvement of the skin. Replacing the old cells of the skin occurs continuously, as is well known, a skin cell is able to live only 4 weeks - then she dies, peeled, and in its place from the bottom of the epidermis fit the new young cells. With age, the skin renewal process slows down, but it can be activated.
Our skin has an amazing ability to regenerate, and if you will be dosed and carefully remove the top layer of cells that happens mobilization of protective and restorative forces of the body, the skin renewal process will go faster, its appearance and elasticity improve.
Of course, in terms of quick results should entrust your skin skillful hands of experts cosmetologists in a good salon. There you can offer a fairly wide range of procedures peeling - mechanical, chemical, laser, ultrasonic peeling. But if for any reason you do not have such an opportunity - enjoy a peeling house.
Your instrument will scrubs and gommazhi, also need sponzhiki, scrub brush to apply, special gloves.
Scrubs - simple and effective
The basis of a scrub at home can be any natural product, having the form of small abrasive particles (grains), - for example, salt, freshly ground coffee, sugar, finely ground corn, corn flakes, dried ground citrus peel, etc.
In addition to the abrasive component of the mixture is typically administered skrabovye softening, moisturizing ingredients, healthy skin, it is - vegetable oil, honey, pulp of fruits and vegetables, milk, yogurt, etc.
All the ingredients necessary for the preparation of a scrub, mix thoroughly until a paste-like consistency. Prepare the masses rub wet skin massage movements for a few minutes, paying special attention to areas with rough skin, such as knees, elbows and heels. This is followed by a scrub to wash off with warm water, rub the skin with a towel and apply a moisturizer.
If peeling scrub for the face, apply it on a clean, damp skin, except for the skin around the eyes, and massaged gently rubbed into the skin with fingertips hands (can be combined with a brush or sponge). Wash off with water after 3 minutes and causes moisturizer.
Recipes scrubs, there are many, here are some of them:
Honey facial scrub:
in egg yolk add a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of oat flakes, all the ingredients are well mixed.

Coffee Body Scrub:
displace the coffee grounds with a few spoonfuls of yogurt, add the white clay. Get excellent cleansing and invigorating remedy for your skin.
Coffee scrub for face and body:
Thick coffee mix with olive oil to the consistency of thick cream. Exfoliation with a scrub give the skin a shade of light tan.
Scrub sugar-lemon face:
take a spoonful teaspoon lemon juice, honey and sugar. The ingredients are mixed to a state of slurry.
Sugar Body Scrub (option 1):
a glass of white or brown sugar, add four teaspoons of cream or milk, three teaspoons of coconut oil (olive, almond or avocado oil), one drop of rose oil, ten drops of lemon juice, three drops of vanilla oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Sugar Body Scrub (option 2):
Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably brown) mixed with 2 tablespoons spoons of honey and a tea spoon of olive oil (almond or sesame), you can add vitamin E. This also pour about a third glass shower gel, all the ingredients are well mixed. The consistency should resemble scrub the wet sand at the beach. Sugar baby - soluble abrasive. Solutions, granules gently polish the skin, so you can use a sugar scrub (no gel), such as the lips.

Scrub for the face and body of the orange peel:
dried orange peel grind in a coffee grinder, the resulting powder was mixed with water, sour cream or heavy cream, add a little olive oil.
Sea salt has many beneficial properties and is very popular as a base body scrubs. Thanks to its texture it "polish" the skin, eliminating small irregularities, improves blood circulation and stimulates the lymph involved in cleansing the body of toxins.
Renewing Body Scrub of sea salt and rosemary oil:
100 grams of large sea salt take two tablespoons of rosemary oil, stir. This scrub is ideal for dry and flaky skin, besides toning effect Rosemary improve circulation.
Sea salt scrub for the body, cellulite:
mix 5 tablespoons of sea salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the grated grapefruit with skin and mix thoroughly. Apply to damp skin in a circular motion before showering.

Exfoliating body scrub of sea salt and oil of apricot:
Cook the pasta a bowl of sea salt and oil of apricot on a large glass of sea salt quarter cup apricot oil. Cooked mixture put on the skin, starting with the feet and then going to the arms, chest and back. Apricot oil, used in this scrub is easily absorbed by the pores. It is rich in natural emollients, vitamins A and B, is actively promoting the process of healing and regeneration of the skin, making it soft and moisturized.
Body scrub from oatmeal, almond and avocado:
half cup of grated almonds, a cup of oatmeal, one ripe avocados, peeled and crushed to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Grated almond mix with oatmeal add the avocado flesh. Massage movements to rub the mixture into the skin using gloves. Wash off all hot water, wipe the skin and causes moisturizer.
Scrub with a cucumber and oatmeal:
Ground oatmeal mix with grated cucumber. This scrub is suitable for the body and for sensitive skin. It soothes, moisturizes and whitens the skin.
Gommazh - your choice for sensitive skin!
A significant difference between the home and the home exfoliation scrub not - and then, and another tool is used for the peeling of the skin, just gommazh contains smaller particles and soft. The composition of purchased gommazh includes various exfoliants - agents that cause rapid exfoliation of the top layer of skin and not its mechanical stripping. Thus, it is believed that exfoliation is better suited for delicate, thin and sensitive skin prone to irritation, skin rashes and allergic reactions.

There are some differences in the method of application. Gommazh, driven pre until creamy, applied with fingertips to face and through 08/10/15 minutes after drying is carefully removed, holding the skin so that it does not stretch. The dry weight, as it rolls along the top layer of the epidermis.
Gommazh face semolina:
2 parts semolina, take one part finely ground orange peel, one piece of ground oatmeal mix. Before using this dry mix breed Facial Cleanser, sour cream or olive oil and put on face.
Gommazh barley:
take 2 tbsp. barley minced, 1 tbsp. spoon of rice flour, a tablespoon of dried cream - mix. Dilute the mixture with milk for the face.
The delicate skin is not only on the face, so that exfoliation is used for the body. The method used in this case does not differ from the method of application scrubs.
Gommage body:
mixer, beat to a froth two eggs, add half a cup of cream, 5, Art. spoons of oatmeal and 1 tsp ground coffee. After a shower, rub the body with this mixture, rinse and apply a moisturizer for the body.
We used to give special attention to the face and neck, but
do not forget about hands
Which is not less than the face or body, in need of careful nursing.
Scrub the skin of the hands of the grape:
ground oatmeal and mix the pulp of grapes and rub into the skin of your hands for 10-15 minutes.

Hand Scrub from vegetable oils and sugar:
take one tablespoon of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of sugar. Mix, massaging his hands for two minutes.
In deciding what to choose peeling - exfoliation or scrub - and how often it is carried out, remember about the features of your skin. If you have dry or normal skin, use a scrub should be no more than once every seven to ten days. If your skin is oily or combination, then carry out the procedure can be deep cleansing once or twice a week.
Use the suggested recipes or one of their own, and do not forget - held regular exfoliation leaves the skin soft, smooth and elastic returns to her beauty, youth and health.