Magical ice cubes
 On the healing properties of cold people know a long time, human history contains many examples of the use of cold water and ice to prolong the beauty and longevity.

Want to have a delicate pink skin without wrinkles and roughness, elastic to the touch and a fresh-looking? And at the same time improve the immune system, to get rid of colds and ailments? Of course - you want! Then there is checked to you, and trouble-free tool, very simple and a little expensive! It - cosmetic ice! The healing properties of cold people know a long time, human history contains many examples of the use of cold water and ice to prolong the beauty and active longevity.

Field Marshal Suvorov every day pour cold water, and a German scientist, P. Pastor Kneipp jumped into the icy Danube, to recover from pneumonia, and proved to himself that the most serious disease can be defeated by stimulating the self-healing powers. Catherine II wiped the face with ice. Mistress of the French King Henry Diane de Poitiers used for skin crushed ice. By the way, ice is used incomparable Marilyn Monroe and Greta Garbo delicious, and they looked great. And now many movie stars, show business and even politics are these properties for rejuvenation and health improvement in general and for cosmetic purposes as well. For example, the actress Marina Mogilevskaya in an interview, said that in spite of the busy schedule, always finds time to wipe the face with a piece of ice from the "secret" (decoction of herbs or green tea).

What is useful for the beauty of the ice? When you drive an ice cube on the skin, in the beginning there is a brief contraction of surface vessels in the skin and deeper extension. This allows increased blood flow. Once you've removed the ice, surface vessels dilate capillaries filled with blood, skin starts to "breathe." And then amplified cellular metabolism, the upgrade process runs, wrinkles, slows the aging process of the connective tissue on the face appears a natural glow and the skin gets a healthy appearance. Well, add broth of herbs, juices further enhance the effects of "first aid" for beauty which is exposed to the cold.

But what would any procedure benefited and not harmed perform it must be right.

• finished cosmetic ice. Technology issues

 Magical ice cubes
 About two tablespoons of chopped herbs (or gathering herbs) fill 0, 5 liters of boiling water (water previously defended or purified) and insist hours or put in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, and then insist to cool. The cooled broth is strained and poured into molds and put in the freezer. It is convenient to brew the grass at night, in the morning it is possible to drain, pour in the evening the ice is ready. If you prepare a broth with a stock, then it will be useful and wash this broth (or applied to the skin cotton pads soaked in broth).

• Apply ice correctly

In the application of ice is necessary to observe the following rules:

1) water to make ice take not from the tap, filtered and purified, and even better, distilled (you can buy in a drugstore) or mineral non-carbonated (low salinity). If you can not buy this water, you need to tap pre-cleaned filters. And you can prepare melted water! It can also be considered a kind of purification: the water pour into molds, put in the freezer and wait to grab the ice on top, remove the ice crust and throw (it contains heavy metals and other harmful substances), the remaining water can be used. Melt water is considered to be biologically active. Sluggish and flabby by age or environmental dehydrated skin cells, feasting melt water, straighten out, the skin becomes smoother, but the fact that we use it as ice, only strengthens its anti-aging effect.

2) If you are cooking Cosmetic ice with a decoction of herbs, fruit and vegetable juices, then store such ice in the refrigerator for 4-5 days costs more.

3) Consider your skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination) when choosing herbs for making ice cosmetic ice. The easiest way to retain moisture dry skin, oily harder harm.

For dry skin, you can use herbal mixture: plantain, parsley, mint leaves, St. John's wort, chamomile. Indispensable to the skin of this type of collection of hawthorn, Eleutherococcus, and dandelion root. You can also use berries such as rowan. Two tablespoons of rowan crushed, pour one cup of boiling water, leave for an hour.

For oily skin suitable mixture of chamomile and calendula, chamomile, Chinese magnolia vine, celandine and calendula.

For combination skin is good to be a mixture of chamomile, dandelion and yarrow. But in principle, suitable for all fees for normal to oily skin.

4) Carrying an ice massage, follow the general rule - Led ice cubes should be on the massage lines, capturing the eye area:

- On the lower jaw from the middle of the chin - to the ear lobes;

- On the cheeks, from the corner of the mouth - to the ear canal and then from the middle of the upper lip, and the lateral surface of the nose - to the top of the ear;

- Around the eyes from the inner corner of the upper eyelid - to the outer corner of the eye, then on the lower eyelid - to the nose;

- On his forehead from the middle of the forehead - to the temples;

- On the nose: the nose on the back, on the back of the nose - on its sides.

5) Do not overcool the skin contact with the skin in one place should not exceed five seconds. Otherwise, you can earn up to the unintended consequences of sinusitis! When rubbing the skin with ice cubes, you must not wipe once, and while a small cube has melted (this happens fast enough), the entire procedure should take between two to five minutes. And be sure to leave the skin moist to absorb infusion.

 Magical ice cubes
 Cubes are best used 1 - 2 times a day. The skin should be wiped with ice in the morning and evening, after the application of ice need to wet your face and apply the usual cream (day or night). If the skin is dry, after the procedure with the use of ice, the face should be rubbed with olive oil and leave for half an hour, then remove the oil with a soft cloth.

• Some special recipes

Cosmetic ice for skin with enlarged pores:

Recipe number 1:

- 1/3 lime color

- 1/3 chamomile

- 1/3 elderberry flowers

- 1 cup boiling water

- 1/2 teaspoon honey

One tablespoon of herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes and drain. To warm broth add 0, 5 teaspoons of honey. Stir well, leave for half an hour. The resulting infusion is poured into the cell and place in the freezer refrigerator.

Recipe number 2:

- Lingonberry juice 1/3

- 1/3 blueberry juice

- 1/3 lemon juice

- 1 cup of boiled water

In a glass of boiled water add 1 teaspoon of the mixture of juice. Mix thoroughly. The resulting liquid is poured into the cell and place in the freezer refrigerator.

Cosmetic ice for skin whitening:

- 2 tbsp. spoon rice

- 500 ml. water

Boil the rice in 500 ml. water without the addition of spices. When the rice is fully seethe, skip it through a strainer. The resulting broth to cool, pour into a cell and place in the freezer refrigerator.

Cosmetic ice to remove the vascular pattern:

- 1/3 nettle

- 1/3 chamomile

- 1/3 horse chestnut

- 1 cup boiling water

- 1 tsp. Of papaya juice

One tablespoon of herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes. Infuse 1 hour, then strain, add 1 teaspoon of decoction of papaya juice. Mix thoroughly. The resulting infusion is poured into the cell and place in the freezer refrigerator.

Cosmetic ice to remove swelling around the eyes:

- 1/4 black tea

- 1/4 Green Tea

- 1/4 chamomile

- 1/4 of St. John's wort

- 1 cup boiling water

One tablespoon of herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse 1 hour, then strain, pour into a cell and place in the freezer refrigerator.

Good skin tones ice carrot juice (better to use juice diluted with water in a ratio of 3 to 1), as it helps to fight pimples, but it is often used such a formulation is not necessary, - Skin may acquire a yellowish tint.

From the bags under the eyes helps the frozen milk (better, of course, fresh or powdered).

As a convenient form for the preparation of cosmetic ice you can use special molds "BEAUTY ICE", that is important, in the kit included with the forms and convenient holder for ice cubes, and do the massage is much more convenient.

Before embarking on an ice massage, consider contraindications. Wiping the skin with ice cubes are not recommended in the following cases:

1) in the winter, before going out;

2) if the skin is irritated and severely dehydrated, ice massage, it is desirable not to use to improve skin. Start with a few treatments a week, making sure the skin condition.

3) when expressed vials extended on the skin.

Wiping the face and neck cosmetic ice gives visible results and brings a lot of pleasure in what you can see for yourself, if you will of course comply with all the rules of this simple procedure.
Author: Olga Travleeva