Rose ...
 Ancient Greek poet Anacreon told the world that the rose was born from the snow-white foam that covers the body of Aphrodite, goddess of love, when it came ashore from marine waters. The gods, seeing a beautiful flower, were fascinated by him and gave him a wonderful flavor, sprinkling rose nectar.

The name of the flower, the scientists say, comes from the ancient Persian names plants «wrodon», which the Greeks renamed «rhodon», and the Romans - in «rosa». Rose is considered the homeland of ancient Persia. And the first legends of the rose probably belong to the ancient Indian people.

Rose is considered the queen of flowers and a symbol of love almost all nations of the world. Her love, her worship, in honor of her composing poems and songs.

Archaeological finds confirm that the rose grows on Earth for 25 million. Years ago, and in the culture of roses cultivated for over 5,000 years.

Legend even has thorns on the rose. So, once Cupid luxuriated in the rose garden and breathed in the scent of roses, not noticing a bee, he touched flower and was stung by an insect. Angered by the pain, Cupid shot into the flower boom, and a golden arrow immediately turned into a thorn.

Rose loved the most the powers that be. It is connected with Russia ... So, in 1829, Princess Charlotte Prussia was engaged to the Emperor Nicholas Pavlovich park in the pink his father - a great lover of roses. On the day of departure the princess was arranged Rose Festival, which coincides with the day of her birth on July 13. In celebration of white roses had been brought from everywhere. The future Empress of Russia, who loved namely white roses, sat under a golden, jeweled canopy and resembled the surrounding beautiful white rose. A wreath of white roses were removed the heads of all the ladies present and most of the queen, they were entwined flagpoles banners strewn all steps of the throne, and is decorated with the queen. And all the ladies on memory of the triumph of the future empress presented a silver rose on the leaves which was carved the date of the festival.

Nowadays it is difficult to town or village without the roses ... Rosa - decorative deciduous shrub of the family Rosaceae from 20 to 200 cm tall. There are evergreen rose.

At last count, there are at least 400 species, varieties and forms Rose, as well as more than 30,000 varieties of garden. Climbing roses can reach length of 8-10 meters. Painting colors rose the most diverse of white, cream, lemon, yellow, scarlet up, crimson and burgundy, almost black.

In Russia, usually grown in the open field hybrid tea, polyanthus, floribunda, park; to a lesser extent - and climbing roses remontant.

 Rose ...
   The flowers of roses contains vitamin C, essential oils, tannins, glycosides, resin and mucous substances. In the fruit - vitamins B1, B2, PP, K, C, pantothenic acid, glucose, sucrose and fructose, pectin ...

Rose petals have a tonic, sedative and vitamin properties.

 Rose ...
   Rose has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing and anthelminthic.

- The infusion of the petals . 2 tbsp. spoons of rose petals to fill in 1, 5 liters of boiled water, in a thermos for 10 hours to take ½ cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

- For treatment of burns and boils of rose petals make ointment . 1 c. dry crushed rose petals mixed with 100 grams. unsalted butter.

From roses get attar Which is used in the perfume industry and folk cosmetics. The pharmacy good rose oil is expensive, in the region of 200-300 rubles. Therefore, you can cook it yourself.

- Attar of roses . Pour into a jar a handful of dried rose petals, pour them on 2 fingers vegetable oil is odorless, tightly close the lid and put on 3 days in the sun. Bank needs several times a day to shake. Then clean in a dark cool place.

- Pink water . K 1 glass distilled water, add 10 drops of rose oil. Keep refrigerated. Use as usual lotion.

 Rose ...
   - The mask of rose petals to rejuvenate the skin and giving her silky . 2 teaspoons of rose petals pour ½ cup of boiled water, 30 minutes. Strain. By steaming the petals to add 1 teaspoon of honey and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Mask wash ostyvshim infusion roses.

- From the same infusion well make ice   and wiped them in the morning instead of washing.

- Mask for irritated skin . Take 2 tbsp. spoon and add the starch so much pink infusion to get a paste. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Wash first with warm water, then wipe the face with ice.

- Milk of Roses . Boil ½ cup of fresh milk from the boiler or if you're lucky, the home of the cow, add 5 drops of rose oil. Use to cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin.

- For a gentle sensitive skin . 1 tbsp. spoon petals pour 1stakanom boiled water, half an hour. Use for washing and wiping. Store in the refrigerator for 2 days.

- To narrow pores . 15-20 petals pour 1 cup boiling water incomplete (up kaёmki) and simmer for 5-7 minutes, cool, strain. Wipe face during the day several times.

- To make the skin tone . 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rose petals pour 1 cup of mineral water without gas, leave for 40 minutes. Spray the person for a day or wipe.

- To soften hands   add 1-2 drops of rose oil in the 1st. of olive oil. Rub into your hands at night and wear cotton gloves.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva