Why not enjoy many home remedies for hair and face? Someone says that it takes a lot of time. But there is a very simple one-component recipes! And someone upset too viscous liquid or texture different from what can be found in the purchased assets. But maybe you're not doing everything right to enjoy a suitable formulation and consistency?
List the advantages of home remedies will not, you know them, and to tell all - not enough of one article. Right to the point. I'll tell you how best to do at home body scrub, facial mask, and some hair products. These recipes and tips are particularly suited for the fall season.
Body scrubs
Peeling removes old, dry and dead skin cells on the surface reveals new cells, leaving the skin remains smooth and silky, looks revitalized. And a quick effect of the appearance of a young and healthy skin after scrub peeling forces many to use very often. Which, of course, wrong. If the skin exfoliate more often than 1-2 times a week, it just hurt. With this rhythm skin will be difficult to create so many new cells, this rhythm is not natural to the skin.
Many women enjoy scrubs just because it is popular, not thinking how it meets the needs of their specific skin. Not all need frequent exfoliation. A tough abrasive formulations and does need to be reviewed, they make your skin sensitive to sunlight, annoying and hurts.
Moreover, a dermatologist J.. Scott Kasteler (Greatist.com) believes that if the skin looks a little flaky, then that's fine. Once a week, use a scrub before it should be. And do not izmuchivat permanent skin peeling.

Talk about home scrubs. They generally consist of two components:
1) granular ingredients (usually a salt or sugar)
2) oil (e.g., coconut oil or olive).
The most acceptable ratio of these two ingredients - 2: 1 (two pieces of granular ingredients and one part oil). For the body is enough such quantity: a quarter cup of butter and half cup of salt or sugar.
Brown sugar, sea salt - it's pretty tough to scrub ingredients, they are suitable for rough skin areas (elbows, knees). Sensitive skin (especially on the face) is better to use softer compositions based on sodium salt or white sugar. More softer granular ingredients - oatmeal. And the average for the rudeness - ground coffee and flax seeds.
Mix together the butter and abrasive particles slowly until a very thick wet composition. For home scrubs recommended to obtain such a mixture, which does not flow, it is best that it is formed as a dough. From the resulting mixture, and make a small ball here they rub the skin of the body (elbows, feet, knees in particular). Try not to rub a lot of time, so as not to irritate the skin and does not injure the healthy, young skin cells.

Recipes scrubs for the skin:
- Banana (Oil Free, no butter)
This oil-free option, but it does not dry, so that bananas are well moistened. 1 banana mash with a fork and add to it half a cup of brown sugar.
- Scrub Lemon (astringent for oily skin with a lifting effect)
A quarter cup of oil, mix a half cup of salt or sugar. Add the zest and juice of 1 lemon.
- Coffee
A quarter cup of oil mixed with half a cup of sugar or salt. Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. The antioxidants in coffee are stored and after cooking, so you can use boiled coffee grounds (only wrung from the water). A caffeine relieves edema.
- Milk oatmeal (soothing, Oil Free)
This composition is very gentle exfoliation. Mix half a cup of oatmeal and a quarter cup of whole milk (the higher the fat content, the more fat will help moisturize the skin).
Face masks
Keep the mask on the face of 15 to 30 minutes, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Highlight this time just for yourself, not to worry about the fact that you see someone with a funny face in a mask. If the mask is not quick-drying ingredients (they can pull and injure the skin), it can be applied even for the whole night and the next morning you wake up with a completely new skin. Hollywood stars just so prepare yourself before going on the red carpet.

Masks can exfoliate if there is a part of the fruit. These are the elements of chemical peels, fruit acids (such as papaya, pineapple, lemon) act as mild exfoliants without rubbing the skin. In addition, most natural ingredients in masks - are antioxidants, which are also very much needed skin.
Tip for those who are just getting used to the domestic composition: apply a mask brush. Firstly, it is an additional lymphomassage, secondly, will not have to wash your hands after applying the third, the mask you put an even layer, without excess, which is unpleasant flow.
Recipes masks for the face:
- Avocado and honey
Halved avocado mash with a fork, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Honey - this antioxidant (phenolic acids and flavonoids), it also helps fight acne (honey - an antimicrobial agent), avocado oil moisturizes and nourishes.
- Yogurt and watermelon
Mash half a cup of watermelon slices, mix with 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Yogurt soothes and moisturizes, soothes sunburn. Lactic acid in the composition of yogurt - a natural alpha hydroxy acid, an exfoliating agent, and anti-aging ingredient. Watermelon - a source of vitamin C, which promotes the production of new collagen.

- Pumpkin Mask
Mix 3 tablespoons of pumpkin puree, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon of milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Pumpkin contains salicylic acid, cinnamon and honey have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Homemade hair treatments
Hair always crave moisture! In any season, in any weather. And the second problem - it is an urban dirt and dust, which, mixed with skin oils and heavier hair and make them lethargic and fat. However, hope for a shampoo is not necessary. Firstly, because we need to wash your hair as little as possible, on the advice of dermatologists. And secondly, because it deprives the hair of moisture shampoo, and do bad rinse water. So - do household degreasing rinsing, home air conditioning and moisturizing mask. As with facial mask, hair mask, you need to keep at least 15 minutes.
Recipes for Hair
- Mask with honey and avocado
You already know this recipe? Yes, he was wearing a mask for the face. It is a versatile multi-tasking mask, can do and once on the face and hair. Mash 1 medium avocado with 2 tablespoons of honey. Put on your head, gather the hair into a neat bundle of and wait 15-30 minutes. You can wear a shower cap to avoid staining clothing or sofa. Next - wash your hair as usual, you've got an exceptional moisturizing hair and scalp.

- "Drunk" mask
In a quarter cup of mayonnaise, add a glass of vodka. This - a mask, accessible and original. Alcohol lowers the pH level of the hair, closes the cuticle and makes hair shiny. Mayonnaise oil moisturizes and nourishes. It is possible to add a little lemon juice or vinegar is also reduces the acidity and increases gloss.
- Rinsing
Vinegar as lemon juice and lime, is lowering the acidity of the ingredient. Furthermore, it degreases. You can rinse the vinegar dirty hair before using the shampoo if the hair is too tangled and dirty. The same solution should be rinsed hair after washing, to wash away all traces of shampoo and seal the cuticle. Naturally, this should be an aqueous solution of vinegar.
- Coconut conditioner
In winter and autumn, coconut oil is perfectly cope with a lack of moisture the hair. This is the easiest hair conditioner. Apply it on your hair for 30 minutes or overnight (for deep conditioning). Make sure that the oil is well melted to a liquid state. Why Coconut Oil? It is the closest in composition to hair proteins so penetrates deeply into the hair. You can enjoy and sunflower, but it is not so deeply moisturize.

- Dry shampoo
A mixture of corn meal, lemon essential oil and castor oil may well be degreased hair. Massage your scalp with this lineup and carefully comb out. Even more rapid decision - cornmeal for light hair, and corn flour with cocoa - for dark hair. Dry shampoo keeps the scalp moisturized by using skin oils, and hair - clean.