Valuable thorn ...
 After several dry years, when the heat and lack of rain ruined the entire crop on the vine, many areas have decided to grow ... a thorn. But it is not simple, but very valuable. And this thorn is worth paying attention to anyone who wants to permanently preserve the health and beauty.

Name of thorns - safflower. This plant has been known to ancient farmers who cultivated it in the drylands.

Dried flowers of safflower archaeologists found in the Egyptian pyramids; characters for this plant, preserved on the walls of temples; in fabric, painted with paint from safflower, ancient Egyptians wrapped mummy.

Safflower grown in India are still Buddhists wear fabrics dyed safflower. He enjoyed great interest of farmers in many countries of Asia and Africa. In Europe it was much later, most likely, it was brought to Spain the Moors, and from there it has spread to other countries. In the Caucasus, safflower and cultivated since ancient times, using kartamin - colorant contained in the flowers of safflower.

In Russia safflower he was in the XVIII century, and how it was grown garden plants, calling the wild saffron. Use it as a substitute for saffron in cooking and baking. For beauty grown in gardens.

Now safflower grown longer in the same province as the oil plant, to some extent - a substitute sunflower, safflower because the quality is not inferior to sunflower oil.

Cultural safflower - Carthamus tinctorius L - An annual plant of the family Asteraceae. Plant name comes from the Arabic word karthum   - Painting.

At safflower branched stem from 70 to 100 cm in height. The leaves are thick, oblong, toothed with thorns. Flowering plant from June to September. The flowers are yellow-orange or red-orange color and are collected in baskets.

Seeds absolutely white resemble sunflower seeds. The fat content in seeds of safflower ranges from 30 to 60%.

 Valuable thorn ...
   Safflower oil is obtained by cold pressing of the seeds of safflower. The oil contains vitamins E, K, essential fatty acids, which are involved in many metabolic processes, and are used as a building material for cells, hormones and enzymes.

Safflower oil is used in medicine   different countries in diseases of the heart, joints, psoriasis, eczema ... introduced into the diet, it is the prevention of cancer. In cooking, it is used as sunflower oil for salads and cooking. Due to the very high content of vitamin E in safflower oil, it has a magical effect on female beauty.

Safflower oil is used in cosmetics industry . It is part of moisturizers, creams for dry skin, it is added to sunscreens and shampoos for dry and damaged hair.

In the home cosmetics   safflower oil is added slowly to the usual night creams. It can be applied thinly on a face mask. It is virtually odorless and is easily absorbed into the skin.

- The mask for dry and aging skin
Mix 1 egg yolk 1 - 1 5CT. tablespoons of safflower oil. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse pad soaked in warm decoction of parsley or weak tea leaves of green tea.

- Hydrating Mask
Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons soft cheese, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 tbsp. safflower oil spoon. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with a swab dipped in a little warm chamomile or green tea. Wash with cool water in five minutes.

- For dry, brittle hair
Apply safflower oil to the hair along the entire length and is well absorbed by the roots. Leave on for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with warm water podkislёnnoy vinegar - 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water.

- Bathtub
To make the skin soft and smooth body, safflower oil was added to the bath - 1 tbsp. spoon on a bath plus 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva