What not to give to women? Of course, all individually. And, perhaps, according to his own gifts there admirer. But in general, we think this little cheat sheet could help friends and family do not make a mistake if they choose a gift for the ladies.
Thus, our list of the most unfortunate gifts for us:
1. Sexy underwear a la Santa.
Well, simply because the red - it's too banal, and we understand what you are referring when giving a red underwear. And, in general, we are ready for it (besides, what you are referring), but it is better to take care of more elegant prelude. And then, and Santa, Santa Claus - it's not sexy.
2. Engagement ring.
No, we certainly do not mind. But let us all in order. New Year - this is a new year, and engagement - is engagement. Why is it common? We will think that you are mean and do not want to spend money on Christmas gift. And even the ring like Kate Middleton, let many dream about it, would not be very helpful. Reserving it at least until 1 January.
3. epilators and trimmers.
A good thing, of course. But once some reason you want to run to the bathroom and check, do I have so it all started?
4. Funds on the bathroom shelf.
Shampoos, shower gels, aromatic oils ... In fact, we have all this passion as adore to buy themselves. Therefore, do not select our bread. Oh, and if you do not fancy allows you to buy something else, then at least in the New Year package, but better - in a festive beautician. We are weak to beauticians!
5. DVD with lessons on fitness.
Yoga, belly dancing and even capoeira lesson - do not fit. Why is that? No, not that we are so perfect and do not want to hear anything about fitness. Simply, gifts made to consider carefully and try. You do not want to become a New Year's Eve session on the fight against cellulite?
6. Clothing or shoes with Christmas motifs.
It is generally not practical, and no one has ever in my life do not wear, and the thing is doomed to go to work or chalet in the package titled "What if useful," whose inhabitants never come in handy and are waiting for the hard decisions. Suit Snow Maiden - also a bad idea.
7. Slippers with baby animals.
Here everything is simple - it skuuuchno! Need more arguments? Not interested. Trite. Not original. What else? Hundred-ro-mod-but!
8. Any useful things "for the house for the family."
Of course, that's fun to get a gizmo for the sole not to slip. Or attachments to the fork so that it turned into a whisk. Or a device for taking off shoes ... But somehow it is not happy. Nothing more to say.
9. Sports clothing and footwear.
Dream of soled sneakers with tonic, but! But great! We agreed - anything that would remind one of our little shortcomings. For example, figure skates - yes. But warming tights for sports and combat cellulite - no. Understand the logic?
10. As you know, we can upset a lot, and please - even more.
Doubt his gift? Accompany it with fireworks, flowers and poems of his own, and then all the previous steps, you can forget, because this new year will be remembered exactly everything!
