Many dream of vacation a year. Then rest on all cylinders, and suddenly, suddenly discover that the vacation is over, and ahead workdays. Unfortunately, in our country we are not so many lucky people passionately love their work. Most of the work, because I have to - we need money to life and experience for a pension. Exit at work after the holiday is a pretty severe stress.
During the holidays the body used to the relaxed state where you can sleep as you want, eat when you want and just walk, swim or lie on the couch with a book. On the train you need to strain to focus and solve a lot of problems. And if you took a vacation abroad or even on the tourist base, then more and home affairs has accumulated considerable bunch. What can we do to not get depressed?
Experts advise to sea or garden back on the eve of the day, and in advance - at least three days before the return to work, to enable the body to adapt, get used to the same environment, to tidy up the apartment and set itself on working weekdays.
Some psychologists are advised to arrive just as a vacation to come out of it is not on Monday, and, for example, on Thursday to the first working week was short and intense. In such a situation, and authorities did not immediately rush to load the employee works.
It is also useful at lunchtime furloughed share memories with colleagues, show off their colorful pictures.
It would be nice to bring a small recreation Souvenir and bestow their colleagues, or even to arrange a tea party with cake. The mood surrounding the rise, and the former vacationer get a good portion of the heat, from which his mood remains at the proper level.
Experts advise not harness oneself to full capacity in operation as early days. First is to schedule, plan, and then slowly start to accumulated cases.

Staying at work overtime is not worth it, at least at first. During the working day to take short breaks every hour and a half.
At lunchtime, experts advise hiking. Well, if you work near a park, public garden or even walkway.
Part of the way after work is to go on foot, it will give the opportunity to relieve fatigue, calm down.
Be sure to get enough sleep, sleep doctors are advised to go to bed an hour before midnight. Lack of sleep not only spoil the mood, but also harms the health, beauty takes.
At the weekend it is best to go out of town, on the same or a cottage in the woods. In general, a healthy lifestyle can help without much discomfort to return to work rut.
Do not just forget about proper nutrition. The best breakfast dish of oatmeal is considered with the addition of dried apricots, raisins and prunes.
During lunch, you should try to live without fast food.
If there is an opportunity to bring in a thermos of chicken soup, chicken breast, a piece of fish.
Snacking is not baking and apples, figs, pear, banana.
For dinner, you can also eat some meat with a plate of vegetable salad, one or two baked or boiled potatoes in their skins.
At night, a glass of kefir.
If you have trouble sleeping, the best means would be a glass of warm milk with a tablespoon of honey.
And yet it is very important to maintain good spirits. Some people cope with this task helps the innate optimism of someone Yoga or self-hypnosis. After all, if you want, even in the gloomy morning, you can find something positive. And if you think about it, happiness is in the fact that we live in this world.
And then, again, it will be spring, summer and vacation full of new experiences and effervescent joy.
And while there is time to dream about it and earn as much money during the holidays to not to think about money and indulge in the performance of large and small desires.