Many fashionistas have one dream: to get behind the scenes of fashion week to look at the work of professional make-up artists and stylists. Now it is not that hard to do. It is enough to look through blogs instagramy and famous models and critics. Let's try to summarize some of the secrets of the stars who wrote the latest hits.
Beach wave after 3 minutes
Such texturing hair trend not only in the summer shows now can be worn year-round beach wave. Fashion Week this perm do in just 3 minutes! You must first divide hair into 4 equal pieces and braid from each of pigtail. Then take utyuzhok and "iron" braids, making them flat. Just untwist they should not be, you need to give the hair to cool completely. Then gently untwist and straighten your fingers. To generate a wave on your hands, apply spray wax. So simple and so effective!
Best scrunchy
Do you know what Bungee (Bungee)? They are the best friends of stylists, and now girls. A perfect ponytail to do not with a rubber band, and with this clip. Bungee is a rubber band with hooks at the ends. To make a ponytail, as do the stylists at the shows, you need to comb your hair back and remove them to the tail, holding the tail with one hand. With the other hand, first hook the base of the tail end of a bungee, then wrap the other end around the gum and catch the tail of the other base of the tail hook. Bungee allows the hair does not tangle and make the tail in that place where you need to.

Rule two minutes
Thermofilter spray volume mousse, texturizing spray - all of these assistants is on the desktop of every professional hairdresser. However, if you also use these styling - it does not mean that you will definitely achieve professional success. Because there is a little secret, so-called "rule of two minutes." It states that any styling products need a little time to act. And it is worth to give it 1-2 minutes to hair soaked them. And only after that use of hot packing.
And how to check whether the soaked hair styling products? If the use of forceps or utjuzhkom you see a large amount of steam, it means that the tool is not completely absorbed by the hair, and you must wait a few minutes before you start to heat styling.
Hairpin "2-in-1"
This pin stylists use to hide beaten out thin strands of hair and smooth hair. They make such a witty hairpin themselves from ordinary U-shaped studs. Each of the parties to such a stud to bend so as to obtain the letter «W». This pin can capture a wide strand, and it keeps the hair very well all day.
Glowing skin without greasy shine
Interesting reception demonstrate professional makeup artists. They know how to create the effect of a fresh and young skin without the effect of shiny skin. To do this, use a combination of several tools: foundation + oil for the skin and a moisturizer. At the same time, this approach should be used for concealer (equalizer). To him, too, need to mix moisturizer. This simple trick allows you to create the effect of a naked and moisturized skin without shine. Glare can only be added on the cheeks - using cream blush.
Berry shade
Shadows beautiful wine or berry shades - in a trend. But what if your collection is not yet paletok suitable shade? Makeup Artists Fashion Weeks usually make wine shade with products for the lips: matte lipstick or lip liner. They applied to the shadows and shaded brush. It turns out catchy and clean color!

Perfect lashes
And these tips are about how the pros are applied mascara. Firstly, they always start with the lower lid lashes and upper lashes then dyed. Secondly, one should start with the inner corner of the eye, and then move to the outside. Thirdly, you should learn how to apply mascara as close as possible to the roots of the cilia. How do makeup artists at the shows? They gently push on the upper eyelid to the cilia rose as much as possible - it allows you to grab the brush from the carcass at the base of cilia.
Not every brush is easy to use. Some masters of make-up before applying a little bent brush to get the most comfortable angle. Try it and you follow this advice.

And another secret of the cilia. Lancôme makeup artist Ricardo Kostales says that the biggest mistake women when applying mascara is that they miss the stage of preparation or conditioning lashes staining. Indeed, we moisturize the skin before makeup and eyelashes? For this purpose, there are special products, it is such a transparent ink-conditioner to moisturize and growth of eyelashes. But if you do not have such a product, try to every night before going to bed to put on lashes a little bit of natural cosmetic oil (or rapeseed rose hips). Then one day you will be silky and healthy eyelashes and mascara will last longer with less humid cilia she showered.
Perfect Eyeliner
If you ever see how the liner is applied to the eye professionals, you can learn a lot. For example, make-up artists are always trying to make the line as close as possible to the base of the eyelashes. To do this, you need only to lift the lid with your fingers. And yet, try to handle a pencil line after wide and flat brush to spread it more closely to lashes.

Another secret - is the secret slip liner for the century. Even not very pliable formula pencil will glide over the skin of the century, if the pre-skin apply a thin layer of shadows. In addition, the line will be softer, more natural.