5 stones for Women's Health
 Stones have long to heal people. They have different properties, including help to women's health, increasing the likelihood of conception, promote good transference of pregnancy and childbirth. Lithotherapy - one of the oldest methods which is used for improvement of the human body.

How to use?

The oldest technique lithotherapy meant to include them in the form of powders in formulations of drugs - which means that they are ingested. In addition, the crushed stones mixed with creams and ointments. We are interested in the easiest and safest way - treatment of stones by reacting with the human skin, for example, a special massage or simply wearing stones as part of jewelry. It is very useful to put a stone on the affected area and keep it well for 15-20 minutes.

Where is salvation?

Stones can help to cope with a variety of problems. You just have to pick them up correctly and not lose contact with them! So, of all the mineral stones, we have identified 5, which is most useful for women's health. About them we will tell you more.

Beryl   - Stone, which is still in the old days were treated with various women's diseases. It was believed that those who wear this stone in a ring, do not be afraid of uterine prolapse, in bracelets - do not face the problems of the bladder and ovaries, earrings - will not worry headaches. In addition, modern lithotherapists this stone is recommended to wear in case of problems with the nervous system and upper respiratory tract.

 5 stones for Women's Health

Rauchtopaz   (smoky quartz) - a tool to help in the event that it is impossible for a long time to conceive. Through it increased the reproductive function of the female and male body. Medicinal properties of this stone is largely linked with the psyche and the nervous system. It has a relaxing and calming effect, therefore it is recommended hyperexcitability people who can not keep their emotions under control. The stone helps to overcome despair and depression. Rauchtopaz beneficial effect on the kidneys and pancreas.

 5 stones for Women's Health

Amber   It helps to master the hardships of toxicity. Wear it needs for these purposes in the area of ​​the stomach. Expectant mothers who suffer from headaches and insomnia, should be put under the pillow amber. In addition, it helps to maintain the pregnancy. Amber helps to cope with such plagues as the breast, cysts, fibroids, save for the treatment of goiter and Wen. It contributes to the inhibition of abnormal cell division. Succinic acid - an important component of the treatment of infertility, and it helps the body during pregnancy, the mother bear hormonal changes.

 5 stones for Women's Health

Garnet   - Stone motherhood! It gives pregnant women a lot of optimism, vitality, energy and vitality, promotes easy and prosperous leave. This stone is worn around the neck in a silver frame for those who suffer from diseases of the pulmonary system. In addition, garnet in gold saves headaches, sore throat. Pomegranate helps cleanse the body. It has good effects on the blood, promotes tissue regeneration, calms the nerves, strengthens the immune system.

 5 stones for Women's Health

Lapis lazuli - Incredibly beautiful "heavenly stone". It helps to preserve the pregnancy. Pregnant women are advised to wear jewelry on the hand with the stone - it will save from abortion and makes it easier to move the pregnancy, get rid of toxicity. Lapis strengthens the mind and body. He copes with nervous disorders, migraines, sleep makes a strong and sweet. Lapis helps regulate periods. He throws stones from the kidneys, relieves pain caused by back problems, low back pain. By the way, it says that the daily contemplation of the stone is well reflected in the state of.

 5 stones for Women's Health

Author: Jan Kolosovskaya