Cesarean section - yes or no?
 Cesarean section - a common method of delivery. Previously, it was an extreme measure, used to save lives in the event that there is no chance for independent labor. But then, this method began to be used much more widely and more often, but it is still around him do not cease debate. Why is that? What accounts for these doubts and hesitations?

Cesarean section - what is it?

It - surgery in the mother's body. What's the point of it is that the appearance of a baby into the world is cut the abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus is dissected fetal bladder. Then impose on the uterus catgut seams and sew it. The average duration of the operation - 20-40 minutes. Perform cesarean and planned and emergency, when suddenly there is a danger.


• Risk for the birth of new state of the uterine scar after already made earlier cesarean section;

• Diseases of the uterus;

• A narrow pelvis (it can be anatomically narrow - too narrow bony ring, as well as clinically narrow - when mother for a particular individual child is too large);

• The fruit of more than 4 kg;

• Diseases of the eye;

• Injuries to muscles of the perineum;

• Injuries of the spine and pelvis;

• Placental abruption;

• Acute fetal hypoxia.

 Cesarean section - yes or no?

Everything has consequences

Sometimes mothers themselves prefer cesarean natural way. This applies to those who are not psychologically prepared to leave. They are afraid of pain and thought I better go to sleep, wake up - and see the baby. It is often forgotten about postoperative wound and the consequences for both mother and child. Are the easy delivery of this?

Surgery, even with the best scenario could have consequences - can cause bleeding, infection, injury can occur to adjacent organs.

In addition, a cesarean section leaves a lot of prints, one of which - the joints on the abdomen and uterus. Stitches in the abdomen can disperse - then be sure to consult a doctor. In addition, the seam can even grow together and well, but it looks very ugly. In this case again need surgery. Much worse things are with the seam on the uterus - unfortunately, they can not be corrected. And from them will depend on the possibility of a new pregnancy and childbirth.

Another problem - breast-feeding. After surgery, the child can not be applied to the chest. This is due to the content of drugs that were to be used in connection with the operation. The child at first has to feed from a bottle and not always then it is easy to accustom to the chest, after sucking the nipple is much easier than my mother's breasts.

 Cesarean section - yes or no?

How much time is necessary to return to normal life?

• After the operation is allowed to rise after 6 hours, and transferred to a regular room during the day. On the fifth day doing ultrasound and, if everything is in order, for 6-7 hours prescribed.

• The first month and a half bath is prohibited - can only take a shower.

• Physical activity permitted no earlier than 2 months, if the healing takes place without any complications.

• sexually active can be at 6 weeks if the doctor's examination revealed no problems.

• Plan a new pregnancy, doctors advise not earlier than 2 years will pass.

And, very importantly, the effects are observed not only the mother but also the baby. Scientists have long shown that children born by caesarean section, difficult to adapt to the environment. Natural childbirth - a powerful mechanism that triggers all the life support system of the baby. According to statistics, the "Caesar" is 2-3 times more likely to occur all sorts of neurological disorders.

Any surgery involves anesthesia, preoperative and postoperative care. All this requires medication, it is not exactly beneficial for the baby. That's the paradox - during pregnancy scared to drink extra tablet, and then - a lot of medicines. So think carefully before choosing a cesarean section without a serious need.
Author: Jan Kolosovskaya