Childhood diseases - measles, rubella and chicken pox at a young age are transferred easily enough. But if the infection affected adult picture will be somewhat different. How to prevent disease, and nothing to worry about if the disease has already occurred?
The main danger of "frivolous" childhood diseases to humans, stepped 18-year milestone, is a more severe disease and are at high risk of complications. The reason for the unenviable fate - in the peculiarities of our body:
Impressive infectious experience.
During his life, we are faced with many micro-organisms, which then become "residents" of our body. They are often sensitive to invading infection.
The presence of comorbidities.
If, before the "happy" children's acquisition of surprises you suffer from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, disease will take into account this fact. Unfortunately, not in your favor.
The involvement of many systems and organs.
A more extensive portion lesion usually results in a brighter overall reaction.
Bad habits and stress.
Negative impact on the overall condition of the body, not to mention the fact that significantly undermine the immune system.
Is there a 100 percent prevention?
Even a disease suffered by a child, as well as vaccination against it, can not guarantee 100% immunity. However, if the infection occurs later, it occurs in less pronounced form, which in itself, is not bad. It is known that the immune system of this illness is stronger than that from vaccination.
How do you know whether you are sick, if the parents do not remember?
Today it is possible to produce quantitative laboratory tests for immunoglobulin G to these viruses. Analyses are conducted on the basis of blood taken from a vein. According to the results, you can say exactly hurt you, and make possible a forecast of how your body reacts to the penetration of infection (define specific immunity of the organism).
This is a vaccine?
People who have already had the disease, it is not needed. Validity of vaccines against childhood diseases averages 10-12 years. However, if you are dealing with the epidemic, had contact with sick or planning a pregnancy, re-vaccination is highly desirable.
Calendar of vaccination "adult"
Women planning a pregnancy may be vaccinated no earlier than 6-9 months before the expected happy event. All of these infections are very dangerous to the fetus, so there is reason to "prepare the ground".
During the epidemic of each person who previously did not face a provocateur disease, vaccination is recommended. Interestingly, the peak of disease are found mainly in the winter and early spring at intervals of several years.
After contact with an infected, should be grafted within 72 hours. Chance of sick in this case is substantially reduced.

Carefully, rubella!
First of all, rubella dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause congenital malformations of the future baby. The incubation period of the disease is two to three weeks. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. Catch "sore" can be a week before the onset of the rash of an infected, and within two weeks after its appearance.
How do you recognize?
The disease is characterized by high fever, conjunctivitis, headache and sore throat. Eruptions appear two days after infection, first on the face, and then spread throughout the body. The rash lasts from two to seven days, then disappears.
What is the consequence?
In adulthood, the complications of the disease can be high fever, inflammation of the elbow, knee, intoxication, men - pain in the testicles.
Carefully, measles!
Disease virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period is one to two weeks. Infection is possible in four days after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease and a few days before.
How do you recognize?
The disease shows itself by raising the temperature to 38-40 degrees, the occurrence of rhinitis, photophobia, red rash on the appearance of the oral mucosa. The rash appears a few days after exposure to the "source" of the disease, initially localized on the face, then "thrown" on the body and limbs. Closer to recovery spots darken and start to peel off.
What is the consequence?
Adults Measles can be accompanied by bacterial complications, otitis media, pneumonia and meningitis. If a pregnant woman becomes ill, measles increases the risk of miscarriage.
Carefully, chickenpox (varicella)!
The disease occurs as a result of penetration into the body of the virus varicella-zoster. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. If not comb pockets chickenpox rash without leaving a trace. You can become infected through contact with an infected person on the last day before the onset of the rash and until the time of covering it with crusts. The incubation period is 2-3 th week.
How do you recognize?
The rash makes itself known spots that later turn into vesicles. The last three days dry up to form a crust, which disappear after 2-3 weeks. The general state of health is deteriorating appearance of fever, itching and headache.
What is the consequence?
In adults, may be localized bubbles not only the body but also on the eyelids, the mucous of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Furthermore, a rash may touch the meninges, thereby causing meningoencephalitis. The symptoms of intoxication become pronounced, lymph nodes increase, may develop pneumonia or bronchitis.
Action Strategy
If you are already sick, the disease can not be transferred "on foot." Bed rest is required, in some cases, hospitalization in a hospital. No home techniques and folk remedies. Only the treating physician.
Methods of prevention of childhood diseases:
- Rejection of bad habits
- balanced diet
- Sufficient physical activity
- Clothing worn by season
- Vaccination
Rooting at any age is unpleasant, but when it comes to childhood diseases - is doubly annoying and can pose a serious danger. Take care of yourself and let you bypass illnesses side!
Author: Natalia Bartukova