This is not something that you need to choose once and for all life and stay with him until death do you part. In a relationship with him you have to be a non-permanent - and I am not that like a glove, and more often. And when you decide to leave, you have to do badly - just throw away and forget ... We will talk about such essential items as a toothbrush.
A beautiful smile with healthy white teeth - is not it the dream of every woman, regardless of age ?! And to keep your teeth healthy, you need to properly care for them - and not just clean, but know nothing. So, let's talk about how to choose a toothbrush.
Small spool but precious
Very small in size toothbrush to bring tangible benefits to dental health. Interestingly, dentists claim that a toothbrush greater impact on dental health than toothpaste. So, what is more important is how well the brush you choose, rather than what some paste using.
"Wrong" toothbrush entails a lot of problems: damaged enamel, bleeding gums, the occurrence of stomatitis - and that's not all.

What to look for when choosing a toothbrush:
• Material of construction of bristles
Even if you are a supporter of all natural, when choosing a toothbrush, prefer artificial fibers. There are several reasons: natural raw materials (brushes used for pig bristles) less hygienic - as inside each hair bacteria multiply, which leads to diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, natural bristles are too soft, and their tips are rounded impossible - so the sharp edges can injure the gums.
• rigid bristle
This criterion is determined by the diameter of the fibers: the higher it is, the more rigid will brush.
The rigidity of the brush is indicated on the packaging. The brush can be very soft (ultrasoft, extrasoft), soft (soft), medium (medium), tight and very tough (hard). Very soft and soft toothbrushes are suitable for young children (under 5 years), as well as people with sensitive teeth.
Most people are more comfortable to use brushes of medium hardness (medium). Those who want to use a brush with stiff bristles, you must first consult with a dentist.
• The size of the head
Doctors are advised to use a toothbrush with a small length of the working part - let it covers 2-2, 5 tooth that is not more than 30 mm. Children also suitable brush head length which is 18-25 mm.
Of course, we should not forget that a toothbrush should be changed regularly. Brushes medium can be used up to 3 months, with soft bristles - 1-2 months.

Price issue
Brush for 20 rubles, by definition, can not be of high quality. As a rule, high-quality brush is 100-400 rubles.
But to pay for the product and an unknown brand producing country (and in substandard products often omitted) should not: Make sure that you brush made familiar brand that is well-proven.
When choosing pay attention to the length of the bristles - well proven brush bristles which are trimmed at different levels - allow it to penetrate into the most secluded corners of the mouth. However, note that the hair was trimmed smoothly (even if there are multiple levels) there not somewhere a lone hair sticking out above the rest? It's not good for the reputation of the manufacturer - and such a product is better not to take.

And as it was before?
Do not think that a toothbrush - the invention of modern times. The first device for cleaning teeth already existed before our era - in fact people from ancient times to understand the need for dental care.
For example, in ancient Babylon and Egypt used special sticks, the tip of which is chewed until it became like a beam.
In the Middle East since ancient times it has been used miswak - toothbrush of twigs and tree roots arak, which recognized the value of even the Prophet Muhammad, making its use almost a duty for Muslims.
A similar invention was to go later in Russia: in the time of Ivan the Terrible teeth brushed oak sticks, the tip of which chewed until it became a brush. Later, Peter I ordered his boyars to brush your teeth with a damp cloth with powdered chalk.